Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3192 Don’t take advantage of anyone else

Mrs. Zhu and others were busy in the kitchen, and Luo Bi was hanging around.

There was no one else in the kitchen area, so Mrs. Zhu asked: "Luo Bi, why don't you call your family members? There are all of us here, so why don't you tell your family members?"

Luo Bi is a petty person. She has a grudge. Now she is talking to Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Huang: "If you don't tell them, you don't know. When we first came here, we didn't catch many ordinary fish, but Luo Bi My family’s hunting team caught a lot of fish and was of a high level. They all saw my hunting team here. They didn’t dare to say anything after harvesting good things. They made delicious food. My cousin was at Zhan’s house. Everyone in the garrison went there to eat, but they didn’t even call me.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Huang said doubtfully: "The young master of the Luo family is doing well!"

"My cousin doesn't know." Luo Bi said angrily: "If he doesn't know, just don't know. I won't let him know. Everyone is busy with their own business, and no one should take advantage of others."

It's different now. At first, Tong Wan and the others were worried about her taking advantage, but now Luo Bi is worried about Tong Wan and the others taking advantage.

You are not a generous person, so if you still hold a grudge, stop pretending to be generous.

"Don't say that to others." Mrs. Zhu told Luo Bi for her own good, "Others will laugh at you for not caring about your family. Some people are very talkative and like to gossip."

"Whatever!" Luo Bi said.

At this time, Wen Yao and Lu Xiao came to Shuixunxing. Wen Yao not only dug up a basket of tender ginseng grass, but also brought two boxes of nutritious energy melons and fruits, as well as energy liquid, elixir, and energy stones.

Everyone was so excited when they saw Wen Yao! This is the owner of interstellar coins.

Those who carried energy liquids, those who carried elixirs, those who carried energy stones, and those who carried fruits and vegetables. Wen Yao brought a lot of things. Madam Zhu and the others carried away the basket of ginseng and grass. .

Once you have the tender ginseng grass, quickly mix the delicious river fresh food into a piece and marinate it, or steam mushrooms, crabs and tender ginseng grass in a pot, and add a piece of tender ginseng grass to the stewed chicken.

Even though Wen Yao had guessed from the beginning that there would be a lot of delicious river food harvested, he and Lu Xiao were still surprised when they saw the harvest of Xiao Yanli. This little broken Yanli was quite powerful.

Wen Yao looked carefully and found that Xiao Yanli was not refined.

The problem is that none of the crabs attack.

Lu Xiao went over and pulled the Mushroom Crab on the fence. Wu Cheng immediately shouted: "It's alive, don't you think it's strange? The Mushroom Crab doesn't attack."

Lu Xiao looked at it in a daze. He was ready to move the bamboo once and immediately took over the job.

How could Zhu Xingzhi agree? This job is his: "You go and fight, your fighting power is high."

Lu Xiao had no choice but to give the bamboo to the child. After Wen Yao looked at it, he went to talk to Roger with a relaxed expression. There were fruits and a plate of fried spicy river clams on the table. Wen Yao raised his eyebrows and chatted with Roger and Wei Yu while eating.

Luo Bi sighed: "It would be great if I could catch river melon seeds. Fried river melon seeds are delicious."

Wei Tzu: “·······”

She didn't dare to think about it anymore. They had eaten well enough.

Wei Buzzard's hunting team had enough energy liquid, energy stones, and elixirs, and the entire river became lively. In half a day, they killed eleven delicious river fish.

There are five big red claw shrimps and six mushroom claw crabs.

Looking at Xiaoyanli again, there is no comparison. No matter how you look at Xiaoyanli, they are just picking up river delicacies for free.

Ouch, what a free pick!

Everyone was so happy.

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