Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3203 Greedy

"What else?" the children exclaimed, their faces full of joy.

He Qian nodded vigorously: "There are plenty."

The children of the Zhu family and the children of the Warlord family were very happy. They quickly poured the river melon seeds in the river fresh basket into the basin. When they took a look, the basin was full of river melon seeds.

The water basin containing the blue crabs was moved off the spacecraft. There is no shortage of water basins, and the blue crabs can be fished out later.

Zhu Xingshao was so excited that he moved a stack of river fresh baskets and climbed onto the boat channel: "I'm going to collect the river melon seeds."

He Qian was not to be outdone: "I'll go too."

Wei Yang moved his hands and feet, turned the bow of the boat, and went to the middle of the river again.

At this time, Roger had regained his composure and talked to Wen Yao with a smile on his face.

Robbie just listened, and then she realized how much the bottle had gained.

"Aren't you going to collect the gold fish?" Luo Bi interrupted, and deliberately looked for it: "I didn't see any gold fish!"

Roger: "..."This woman.

Wen Yao smiled.

Wei Yu and Tang Shao came over to take a look. The children from the two families moved the water basin to the rest space, fished out the green crabs from the water basin, and filled a river fresh basket, which is thirty kilograms. .

This was not the harvest from the bottle. Luo Bi was a little surprised when she saw it.

These are not included in the calculation, it is really like picking up for nothing.

The river melon seeds also weigh about sixty kilograms. Each one looks very meaty. The river melon seeds are also mixed with a small amount of river clams and clams. They are not the kind with shriveled shells, but are very meaty.

Only then did they collect two milk bottles. Everyone calculated it and were very happy. Eleven milk bottles, how many river melon seeds must there be! The fried food is enough for them to eat.

What made them even more happy was that there were blue crabs hanging on the refining rope. This was incredible. Are these blue crabs crazy? It’s not like picking it up for free.

The garrison was filled with joy, and everyone had to hold their hands when they were happy, which made those who were holding back uncomfortable.

The women smiled at each other, Oh my God! Lots of river melon seeds.

And blue crabs, oh my god! Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

Wei Yang and the others were transporting delicious river fresh food back and forth, but Mrs. Zhu and the others had no time to watch the excitement. They got busy one by one, dragging small stools to pick river clams and river clams from the river melon seeds.

Roger and Wen Yao counted the quantities, and Luo Bi followed them. The eleven milk bottles weighed about 320 kilograms of river melon seeds, and the crabs weighed 240 kilograms. If you add one piece, it would be about 240 kilograms. It weighs five hundred and sixty pounds.

This one harvest almost caught up with Xiao Yanli's harvest in half a day.

He Qian grinned. If he didn't leave, he would follow the hunting team here.

Wu Cheng also grinned: "Why don't you leave?"

"I'll stay at your station for a few days." He Qian decided on his own.

Luo Bi was vindictive, and still remembered that he was against Luo Wan, so she went to the place where the Luo family members were stationed to lure He Qian: "Luo Wan and the others have also gone on a mission, why don't you go and have a look?"

He Qian had no time to spare, so he waved his hand and said, "I won't go."

Wen Yao gave Luo Bi a complicated look and probably understood what was going on.

Luo Bi didn't have time to argue with He Qian. She had seen it and found that since the use of milk bottles, a lot of aggressive river fish on the river section had been intercepted. Most of them stayed and few left.

You see, he is greedy and useless, and he can't walk when he sees food.

Luo Bi finally calmed down. She didn't know what happened to others. Anyway, it was absolutely impossible for her to watch the shrimps and crabs leave one by one on the Xun River.

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