Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3228 Without you

He Xiang was angry, but Luo Bi didn't care anymore.

This is just right. It has the advantage that she won't let her clan members get involved, that's right! Luo Bi still felt uncomfortable and hesitated to give some benefits to the family, but now she didn't have to think about it.

Cousin Luo Huan and others will talk about it separately, but forget about the other tribesmen.

Luo Yuan! Let’s talk about it later.

Luo Bi rubbed her hands and smiled. He Xiang looked at her several times.

After watching the excitement, everyone went to the rest space to rest.

Luo Bi ran to the river, Fengling caught a glimpse of him and withdrew from the fighting circle.

Luo Bi walked over and said, "Let's go back!"

Fengling lowered her eyes: "Are you homesick?"

Luo Bi shook her head: "I just want to go back."

"Roger and Wei Yu want to stay for a while." Fengling said: "We can't leave yet. We can still catch some fresh water from the river here, but everyone is reluctant to leave."

After Luo Bi asked, she waved her hand: "You go and do your work, I'll go play."

Fengling nodded and went to fight again.

Seeing Roger and Wen Yao watching the battle, Luo Bi approached and Wen Yao asked, "You're back to watch the excitement? We don't have powerful fishing nets, so it's useless to be jealous of other people's harvests."

Luo Bi still encouraged her to leave: "How about we go back."

Wen Yao shook his head, looked at the busy hunting team and mercenary group on the river, and said: "There is no rush, we will talk about it after a while."

"Aren't you leaving?" Luo Bi looked at Roger.

Roger nodded: "Don't cause trouble and let Zhu Xingzhi and the others play with you."

"Zhu Xingzhi." Roger had no plans to leave for the time being, and was worried about Luo Bi's nagging, so he called Zhu Xingzhi over: "You are not needed in the battle, you go and play with Luo Bi!"

You see, they all let her play, and Luo Bi planned to have enough fun.

Luo Bi took the children back to the rest space. He Xiang ate fried melon seeds and planned to rest for a while before refining them with Huang Xinling. Mrs. Huang washed the melons and brought them to them to eat.

Luo Bi walked up to He Xiang, pointed to the river and said, "Our boat is idle, let's go to the river."

He Xiang was stunned: "What are you doing on the river? This is not a sightseeing tour."

"Go catch fish," said Robby.

He Xiang said: "We can't catch him."

Huang Xinling jumped out: "I'll go."

The little girl was very outspoken, and Luo Bi disliked it: "I won't take you with me."

Wei Tzu volunteered: "I can row a boat and I am very strong."

After talking, several people discussed it, and Luo Bi said to He Xiang: "You are more stable. Go and tell Wei Yu and the others that I won't go, because they think I am messing around."

He Xiang: “·······”

Huang Xinling shouted: "Go and tell me quickly, I want to go to the river."

He Xiang had no choice but to talk to Wei Yu, who was speechless: "What are you causing trouble? You tell Roger."

He Xiang never caused trouble, but this time she was accused of causing trouble. She looked at Wei Zi and the others, and had to go to Roger again. When Roger heard this, he frowned and felt that they were messing around.

"Remember to turn on the defense shield." Roger lazily stopped and reminded him. Fortunately, the talented people all have high-level defense shields, so the Thunder Flame warriors don't have to worry too much.

Wei Yang got on the boat and said, "I'll go with them."

In this way, Wei Zi was no longer needed as the rower. Wei Yang glanced at it, but Wei Zi did not dare to follow.

Zhu Xingzhi jumped on the boat with Luo Bi, He Xiang, and Huang Xinling. From a distance, he could see other hunting teams and mercenary groups busy in full swing, with waves of fish splashing in the water.

Wei Yang glanced at it, unmoved.

"They caught a lot of fish." Huang Xinling growled with envy.

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