Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3254 Gained a lot

In the future interstellar era, children must continue to experience themselves in order to grow.

However, Luo Bi set her sights on the child of the Warlord family. This child was really too young, but in order to catch more delicious fish, the child never stopped eating.

"Let them sleep in the tent." Luo Bi said with concern.

Wei Bunting was stunned for a moment: "We roasted delicious river delicacies in the kitchen area, ate something and went to bed."

Only then did Luo Bi realize that it was best to replenish physical energy after being tired.

"It's a pity that the little fence and the milk bottle can't be used anymore." Zhu Xingrong pinched his little finger. It hurt a lot from being hit by the fish, but it didn't hurt anymore after squeezing it. He looked at the rain that was swept in by the wind, and sighed: "This rain is also bad." It’s too big, I guess it won’t be able to stop for a while.”

Zhu Xingsu opened a bottle of elixir and sprinkled it on Zhu Xingrong. Luo Bi came over to take a look.

Zhu Xingsu muttered: "All the military elites are here. The delicious river fish caught by so many people must not be enough. I guess the combat team may go to the mountains and forests to hunt exotic animals."

A small child from the Warlord's family widened his eyes and said in a sweet voice, "I heard from my cousin that there are magical beasts and powerful birds and beasts in the mountains and forests of Shuixunxing."

Birds and beasts have wings and are difficult to deal with, but those with special powers are even more powerful.

After the child finished speaking, he lay down on the table tiredly. He was not sleepy, just tired.

Luo Bi thought he was going to sleep, so she told him: "Don't sleep yet, eat something before going to bed."

The child said: "I won't sleep, let me catch delicious fish, and I can still catch it."

"Aren't you tired?!" Luo Bi was funny, remembering that Meng Chi had brought several boxes of nutritional and energy fruits, so she said to Zhu Xingzhi: "Go to the spaceship. I assigned a box of nutritional and energy fruits. You can bring some." Share it with everyone."

"I'm not tired." said the child from the warrior family.

Zhu Xingzhi agreed, found a small shallow basket, took it, and ran through the pouring rain towards the small luxury spaceship.

Meng Chi brought five boxes of nutritious and energy fruits. He knew that Luo Bi was picky and liked everything that had not been touched by others, so he brought freshly picked fruits and a few leaves.

Just because of Luo Bi's temper, He Xiang and others also benefited from it.

General Qi Lan doesn't play tricks. He will provide the best to whoever has the ability.

The military department doesn't like people who say you've failed me, otherwise you wouldn't be able to harvest so much nutritious energy food. I often mention it, who can let you fail in everything.

When you show your abilities, it is enough that the military can support you and give you the best.

Don't point at your whole life, no one will spoil you for your whole life.

Zhu Xingzhi ran onto the spaceship and opened the box of nutritious and energy fruits that Luo Bi was given. It was a full box of bamboo pears, about five kilograms. Zhu Xingzhi took more than half of it, and then returned to the rest space.

Zhu Xingzhi went to the sink to wash the fruits, and several older children went over to help.

Luo Bi glanced at the youngest member of the warrior family, who was given the nutritious and energy fruit. The child was awake, holding the big fruit in his hands and taking a big mouthful of it. It was so sweet to take a bite.

"The children of your general family are very strong." Luo Bi was convinced. The children may have suffered.

"The more we harvest, the longer our lifespan will be." The child from the Warlord's family next to him said, "I'm good at catching delicious fish, and my little cousin, we can catch fish after we sleep for a while."

Luo Bi couldn't hold it anymore. She took a deep breath and said, "It's the same as catching delicious river fish. The milk bottle can't be used, but the little fence can still be used."

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