Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3273 Longer memory

He is jealous, but in the position of young master, Zhan Kuai is pretending to be calm.

Hearing what Hang Yifan said about Roger deceiving him, Zhan Cai was doubtful, and his heart felt like it was turning over and over. It was all delicious river delicacies, how could they get a share of it? !

After a long while, Zhan Kuai said: "Do you want to go back to Wei Yi's camp?!"

"What? Are you going too?" Hang Yifan asked.

Zhan Kuai nodded: "Let's discuss it with Wei Yu and Luo Jie. We can spend interstellar coins to buy a small fence and forget about the milk bottle. They may not sell the refined items."

Crab cage Zhan Kuai didn't like it either. Zhan Kuai understood a truth when he touched the spoon, and everything he found was a trap.

How many small blue and white porcelain spoons he spent a large amount of interstellar coins to buy! It's completely useless, and the interstellar coins are wasted.

"What if it doesn't work after buying it?" Hang Yifan told Zhan Zai everything he knew, and then said, "Feng Zijie's hunting team bought a bunch of small fences, which can only catch small fry. I don't want small fry."

He doesn't raise fish.

"My family is related to Fengling's wife." Zhan Kuai said, "They won't try to trick me."

Hang Yifan hesitated: "That's hard to say." Roger was not merciless in deceiving others.

Hang Yifan sat for a while and then went back. As soon as he left, Zhan Kuai went to the river to look for Zhan Hui.

"How is the relationship between Luo Yuan and Luo Bi?" Zhan Kuai asked straight to the point.

Zhan Hui exited the battle circle and replied: "What's wrong?"

"I plan to buy a small fence from Wei Bute's hunting team." Zhan Kuai expressed his thoughts, and then said: "There are relatives after all. I want to ask whether it is true or not. I can't spend the interstellar coins in vain."

Zhan Kuaibai has spent some interstellar coins and has a long memory.

Zhan Hui knew that Luo Yuan and Luo Bi had a normal relationship, but it was true that they were cousins. They could talk to each other no matter what, so Zhan Hui went to Luo Yuan and asked Luo Yuan to ask Luo Bi to come over to play.

Luo Bi was also wandering around at the station. Luo Yuan asked her to play. She grabbed a handful of river melon seeds and went over. Luo Yuan prepared a lot of delicious treats for her, as well as fruits with high nutritional energy.

When Luo Bi saw Zhan Kuai, she probably understood what was going on, so she pretended not to know.

Zhan Zai was more generous than Zhan Hui. He greeted Luo Bi generously. Luo Bi smiled. Zhan Zai pointed to a box of nutritional and energy fruits and said, "The hunting team collected them. They are very fresh. You can bring them when you go back later." "

Luo Yuan hesitated to speak, but felt that it was unnecessary. She was reluctant to eat this fruit.

"No, you can keep it and eat it!" Luo Bi refused.

Zhan Zai really regarded Luo Bi as a relative. After chatting for a few words, he talked about Xiao Yanli. Luo Bi listened. She knew very well that it was just Xiao Yanli and there was no need to continue talking.

What are you talking about? Luo Bi listened perfunctorily.

"I don't understand any of this. It's useless for you to tell me." Luo Bi said.

Zhan Kuai also felt that Luo Bi might not understand, so he chuckled and said: "What do you think I buy a small fence from your station? We are all relatives, and I don't want to play tricks. If it doesn't work, I won't buy it. .”

Luo Yuan said: "Ask her, how can she understand?"

Luo Bi pretended not to understand, and Luo Yuan even said she didn't understand. She smiled back at Zhan and said nothing.

Zhan Kuai glanced at Luo Yuan, and Luo Yuan shut her mouth. Zhan Kuai smiled and said to Luo Bi, "Other hunting teams and mercenary groups have bought crab pots. I just want to try Xiaoyanli. Everyone is busy. It’s not easy for me to watch.”

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