Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3276 Think she has no temper

Luo Bi didn't even need to look carefully, just count the scales.

The difference between delicious fish with halo scales is not just one with two halo scales. The tribesmen harvested almost all fish with one halo scale, and there were also two halo scales, but only a very small number.

There are also four scales, only one.

Even so, the tribesmen still feel that their hunting team is powerful and they are complacent there. Especially the aunts, they have a strong sense of superiority and their tone of voice is different from before.

The aunts all went to work, and the juniors also left the rest space one after another. When Luo Bi came back, there was no one there. There were only a few children playing. The children were older than the children of the Warrior family, but they were just playing.

Luo Bi felt uncomfortable and they all left without anyone accompanying her.

In fact, there is no need for anyone to accompany her in her family, but Luo Bi feels like a guest, and her aunts also feel like she is an outsider. Over time, Luo Bi also regards herself as an outsider.

Luo Bi was hesitant to leave. Over there, Luo Huan and other Thunder Flame warriors caught a group of fish and carried them back to the shore. They took advantage of the free time to go to the rest space to eat and rest.

Luo Bi treated herself as a guest, but Luo Huan and her cousins ​​did not treat her as an outsider. They greeted Luo Bi one by one, washed their hands and went to the kitchen area to get grilled delicious fish.

Luo Huan sat down and said to Luo Bi, "Why, are you all busy?"

Luo Bi nodded: "Well, you asked me to come and play, and I'm already busy."

Luo Huan made a move. If you listen to these words, you will see that there is something behind them.

The other Thunder Flame warriors put down their dinner plates and sat close to hear this. They glanced here and then focused on eating grilled fish. They would be busy later and could not care about anything else.

Luo Huan regained his composure and asked casually: "Are you busy over there?"

"I'm very busy. If the aunts don't call me, I won't be free either." Luo Bi said this, but she didn't have time either. She called her over and inquired about it before leaving.

Do you think she has no temper? !

"You, it's not like you don't know, that's what aunts are like." Luo Huan smiled and planned to share a piece of grilled fish: "This grilled fish is a second-level delicious fish in the low-end. Do you want to eat it?"

"I won't eat it." Luo Bi looked down upon it and said, "You go ahead and eat it!"

When Luo Heng heard this, he shouted: "Brother, I'll eat it."

Luo Huan ate calmly and ignored him. This boy didn't take advantage of him enough.

"Luo Rui, you can send this spaceship Hexian back to the Emperor Star later." Luo Huan thought for a moment and said, "I estimate that if I have a busy day today, I can fill up the spaceship in the evening."

"Okay, I'll go back." Luo Rui sighed: "I've never seen anyone with his elbows turned outward like this."

Luo Huan's face darkened, and Luo Bi asked her cousins, "What's wrong?"

The disciples from the nearby branch said: "Luo Wan returned to the Emperor Star this time and gave away all the delicious fish from the spaceship to her fiancé, as well as the green crabs killed by the Thunder Flame warriors."

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi thought that if their hunting team caught delicious fish, they would get it for nothing, but she didn't expect that there would be some for free? ! !

Everyone else heard what they were saying. The Leiyan warriors looked bad. This would make anyone angry to death. They worked so hard to catch fresh water in Shuixunxing, but ended up working for the Bai family. How stupid!

I still don’t know what the Bai family thinks of them. Are they going to fall out? What Luo Wanbai gave to others was not stolen by the Bai family, so why don't you fall out? It’s too frustrating to suffer such a loss.

Luo Huan said to Luo Bi: "When you come back, I will give you a share of the river delicacies."

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