Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3297 Rush to buy

Everyone in the tribe knew that Luo Bi's talent couldn't be used, but Tong Wan still mentioned it.

Tong Wan also has a lot of eyes, she said it jokingly, so that you can't find fault.

At this moment, some talented people may feel unhappy. It's strange that they feel better when they have abilities but can't use them. But Luo Bi feels that Tong Wan's thoughts are in vain.

Luo Bi knew whether her natural ability could be used.

Luo Bi felt confident, listening to Tong Wan talking nonsense here.

"I can't use my natural ability." Luo Bi reminded Tong Wan nonchalantly, then glanced at Tong Wan and said, "If you want to take advantage of me, I'm afraid it won't work. You go find Luo Wan, and Luo Wan will let you take advantage. Go out And save face.”

There was something in Luo Bi's words, but Tong Wan couldn't tell at all. She said, "You are so stingy."

Tong Wan felt that Luo Bi was stingy in everything, and she couldn't even take advantage of her talents when she couldn't use them. How many energy stones could she get from Luo Wan? She could save a lot of interstellar coins by driving a hover car.

Luo Bi laughed, wanting her to be generous and never think about it again in this life.

Tong Wan mumbled and stopped talking, and Luo Bi was not interested in talking to her anymore.

Hua Ran drove the military hover vehicle back and entered the yard. Everyone looked curiously at the living room in the yard. An aunt said: "Hua Ran is back, what are you doing?!"

"I probably went to check the supplies." Guan Zhuting was not sure.

"Hua Ran has gained a lot this time, right?!" an aunt asked.

Guan Zhuting said: "It's not bad!"

Hua Ran got off the military hover vehicle, took her coat into the living room, and greeted her aunts. When the aunts saw Hua Ran's tall figure and appearance, they all praised her without hesitation.

Tong Wan had big eyes, squinting at Hua Ran, and then said with a smile: "Hua Ran, I heard that you harvested a lot of river fresh food during this mission. Treat us to a meal."

Can Hua Ran not know that Tong Wan and Luo Bi are not dealing with each other? He only glanced at Tong Wan and called Luo Bi over.

Luo Bi knew that Hua Ran had something to do, so she got up and walked over, following Hua Ran into the living room. The rain fell a little harder, hitting the plants in a steady stream.

Hua Ran put down her coat and came back. Luo Bi asked, "What are you doing?"

"I often come back with the mercenary group that goes on missions." Hua Ran poured a glass of water, took a sip and said, "They were very lucky this time. They harvested a thousand-year-old ginseng grass. I went over to take a look. The ginseng grass is The quality is very good and the age is high. You can tell Fengling that if Roger and the others are interested, they can buy it, but they need to make a decision quickly. There are many forces rushing to buy ginseng of this vintage."

"Thousand-year-old ginseng grass?" Luo Bi was stunned. This is a good thing. Thousand-year-old ginseng grass is different from the young ginseng grass grown with a spoon. It has a high life-extending effect. Luo Bi quickly asked: "How many interstellar coins?"

Hua Ran thought about it while holding the cup, and gave a rough price: "It costs hundreds of millions of interstellar coins."

Luo Bi could accept it, but she didn't know much about old ginseng, so she asked, "Is it okay to eat it at home?"

Hua Ran made a move and realized that Luo Bi was saying something stupid again. She smiled and said, "Ginseng grass of this vintage is very rare and the price is high. Generally, only legion forces and aristocratic families can afford to buy it. Who would buy it themselves?" eat."

"Didn't Roger buy it and eat it himself?" Luo Bi asked confused.

"Luo Jie is proud of his family." Hua Ran suppressed her smile and said, "Every family has a rich heritage, which cannot be compared to other families."

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