Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3311 I ate everything I wanted to eat

There are too many flowers, so I won’t say more, and he is also confused.

Everyone knew that Luo Bi's innate ability could no longer be used. Some were gloating about the misfortune, while others were feeling pity. The military was in a hurry and had no choice but to watch Luo Bi play happily.

Talent is useless. It has existed since ancient times and cannot be forced.

Some people may still have some doubts. After all, Luo Bi can still take out a few bottles of energy liquid and occasionally refine it. Although there is no discussion about blowing up the furnace, it can still be refined. It shows that the innate ability is still intact.

But if you think so, you will have to change your mind on this mission.

The arrays that Luo Bi took out on this mission were all refined before, and not one bottle of energy liquid was extracted. The extraction and refining of the combat team were taken over by He Xiang and Huang Xinling.

In this way, everyone knew that Luo Bi's talent should be useless.

Thinking of this, Hua Ranhehehe, look, slap in the face more.

The leader of the Zhihuang Mercenary Group was confused for a long time. He was a little confused no matter how he thought about it. He found a reason: "Luo Bi can provide so much energy liquid at once, he must have saved it for a long time, right?!"

Hua Ran guessed it wasn't the case, but she didn't say anything else and nodded perfunctorily.

The leader of the Zhihuang Mercenary Regiment's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had guessed correctly, and inquired: "Isn't Luo Bi's talent extracted when it can be used? She saved it to improve her status."

Hua Ran continued to nod perfunctorily. In order to prevent the leader of the mercenary group from continuing to misunderstand, he stopped talking and asked, "When will we go on a mission?"

The leader of the mercenary group geared up: "Get ready, we'll set off right away."

Is it true that the mercenary group lacks strength when it is unable to perform tasks? What they lack is various resources. Since Hua Ran has provided sufficient energy liquid, how can they still remain calm?

At the stall in the dungeon, the Zhihuang mercenary group left a few thunder flame warriors, brought a group of powerful thunder flame warriors with them, hurriedly prepared a few bottles of elixir, and the mercenary group set off.

Hua Ran went on a mission in such a hurry. Guan Zhuting was worried and puzzled: "Why are you in such a hurry to go on a mission? You usually come back from a mission after a while."

"They went on a mission once they had the energy liquid." Luo Bi dug a hole with a small shovel, put in the honeydew seeds, buried the soil, and patted it with the shovel. It was quite fun: "I practiced and extracted a few bottles of energy liquid. "

Guan Zhuting was still worried, fearing that the energy liquid was not enough. Besides, light energy liquid was not enough to deal with strange beasts during missions.

Energy fluid, energy stones, and elixirs are all indispensable for missions.

Seeing her worried look, Luo Bi said, "I gave my brother fifty bottles of energy liquid."

"How many bottles of energy liquid?!" Guan Zhuting exclaimed.

What's all the fuss about? Luo Bi ignored her.

Guan Zhuting observed the words and knew that the mercenary group had enough energy liquid this time, so she no longer worried. Guan Zhuting became happy. If it wasn't for bad luck, she would have gained a lot this time.

With the energy liquid, you have 80% of your combat power. As long as you try not to get hurt, the elixir won't consume much.

Guan Zhuting walked around the house excitedly, asking Luo Bi what she liked to eat, and she cooked it for her.

Having eaten everything she wanted to eat, Luo Bi couldn't think of anything else she wanted to eat, so she said, "What you cook is not delicious either."

In the future interstellar, ordinary star citizens still like to go to restaurants to satisfy their cravings if they have the conditions. No matter how good the chefs in restaurants and restaurants are, if it is not for the quality of the ingredients, the dishes they cook at home will not be as good as the dishes made in restaurants.

Guan Zhuting: "······"

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