Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3320 Everyone went crazy

Luo Bi found it funny, and Lan Qiao said depressedly, "I'm even worried about not getting enough points."

Luo Bi didn't understand. Zhang Wuer's distribution of supplies seemed to have nothing to do with the spoon, right? Neither of them were in the same hunting team, Luo Bi asked: "Shao Shao and Zhang Wu'er are not in the same hunting team, how can they share supplies together?!"

"What's wrong with not being a hunting team?" Lan Qiao shouted: "Why can't Zhang Wu'er divide it?! They are all military stuff, and everyone has a share. Besides, it's delicious river food."

Luo Bi thought to herself, those who went on missions were allocated supplies, and the military department's share could be distributed to the lower levels. No one could care about this. Leng Lie would most likely get a share of the supplies.

However, it seems inappropriate for Zhang Wuer to participate.

Luo Bi was annoyed by Zhang Wu'er and felt a little unhappy.

Luo Bi didn't want to listen to Lan Qiao's nonsense, and she couldn't believe what Lan Qiao said. When they went downstairs, Luo Bi and Lan Qiao separated. Lan Qiao went to find Zhang Wu'er, and Luo Bi admired the ice particles strolling around.

After walking for a while, Luo Bi was thinking about the spoon Lan Qiao was talking about and quickened her pace to go back.

After returning home, Luo Bi called Wei Zi. Wei Zi and He Xiang seemed to have been in the military supply warehouse these days.

When Wei Zi picked up the communication, Luo Bi asked what was going on. Wei Zi was watching the excitement outside and became worried. When Luo Bi inquired about it, she said: "Don't mention it, Orange Spoon may have done it."

Luo Bi was stunned: "What's wrong?"

Wei Ting called He Xiang and said, "Go to your house."

Luo Bi nodded, Wei Zi and He Xiang came over quickly, walked in and went up to the large balcony.

"Oh my god!" Wei Zi sat on the sofa. Her horizons were opened today.

Luo Bi took the fried river melon seeds and let He Xiang and Wei Zhi eat them. She also grabbed a handful and played with them, gossiping: "I heard from Lan Qiao that she opened the Lingzhi spoon to make trouble with the military department. Why?" What’s going on?!”

Luo Bi slept at home for two days and was bored.

She also inquired about how the military department distributed supplies, and if there was anything she was dissatisfied with, she could find a way to stop it. For example, if Zhang Wuer wanted to share the supplies of their hunting team, she would stop him and not take advantage of Zhang Wuer.

In fact, it's really hard to stop Leng Lie.

When He Xiang and Wei Zi thought about Orange Spoon's excitement, their expressions were hard to describe.

Wei Zi ate fried melon seeds and said speechlessly: "Orange Spoon is making a fuss about sharing supplies."

Luo Bi was stunned: "Didn't I share some of it? Besides, the spoon didn't contribute much in this mission."

"The orange spoon is too small." Wei Zi shouted, she had never seen such an array.

Luo Bi: "······"

Orange Spoon is quite money-obsessed and a business person.

Luo Bi chatted with He Xiang and Wei Zhi while eating, and soon knew what was going on.

Orange Spoon didn't follow Wu Shao back to the Emperor Star. He liked the excitement, so he followed Wu Shao to the Emperor Star.

Wu Shao returned from the Emperor Star soon, and Orange Spoon didn't even leave. Roger and Wei Yu were doting on him, and Xun Spoon was playing with him. Orange Spoon went crazy with it.

Orange Spoon likes to pull things, so he has been joining in the fun in the military supply warehouse.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue took stock of the supplies, and Orange Spoon also moved in front of the small optical brain to take a look. It was so clever that the Thunder Flame Warrior was very indulgent, and would even stuff Orange Spoon with a spiritual plant from time to time.

The orange spoons are kept in small pockets and no one gives them to them.

It was fine when counting supplies, but not when it came time to distribute supplies. Orange Spoon looked at others distributing supplies basket by basket, and it panicked. It didn't have a spoon yet, but it wanted a spoon.

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