Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3322 Money Obsession

Luo Bi and the others couldn't understand, and the Thunder Flame Warrior also looked confused.

Just as Roger was about to coax him, Orange Spoon jumped into the river again.

Yes, Orange Spoon was about to jump into the river, and everyone realized it belatedly.

This time, the orange spoon was counted. Instead of jumping into the depth of the water, it poked it with a small branch, picked up a shallow area of ​​​​water and jumped in. It was too shallow, and the spoon was not submerged.

The orange spoon was also clever. He lay flat in the water, and now the water was submerged in the spoon.

Roger and Wu Shao walked over quickly. When they saw the orange spoon lying in the water, their noses became angry.

Luo Bi now understood what was going on, and became very angry. She has become more capable, and has learned how to survive and die. You have a spoon that can catch fresh water in the Xun River. Are you afraid of water? ! !

"What the hell is this?" Luo Bi was very angry. The orange spoon was so good at behaving like a monster, and it even used this trick to scare people. Who is afraid of it? Luo Bi said, "Let it lie in the water."

Wei Zi covered her mouth and laughed, her shoulders shaking. She thought it was an eye-opener when Orange Spoon started making trouble, but what does that mean? This is an eye-opener, and it will make a spoon jump into the river.

Wu Shao was angry and funny, and said to Orange Spoon: "Come up here."

Orange Spoon didn't go up. Wei Yu stepped on the stone with one of his military boots and looked at Orange Spoon, speechless.

Roger felt that this was not going to work, so he stopped coaxing Orange Spoon and threatened, "Just lie down! I won't give you a basket of supplies."

When Orange Spoon heard this, he immediately got up from the water, and the Thunder Flame warriors laughed angrily.

Who knows, the orange spoon stopped jumping into the river and hit the rocks again. Is it serious? No way, Orange Spoon found a piece of animal skin from nowhere, wrapped it up and hit the wall.

The Thunder Flame warriors were in a mess in the wind. This was too much. Wei Yu quickly pulled the orange spoon back with his quick eyes and hands.

Wei Yu glanced at the basket dragged away by Orange Spoon, raised his chin, and said to Roger and Fengling: "If you don't give it the supplies, if it continues to make trouble like this, I don't know what kind of monster it will be."

The senior officers were silent and did not want to continue coddling the orange spoon.

Luo Bi advocated on the side: "Just give it a beating."

Roger ignored Luo Bi and didn't want to take the suggestion of giving her a beating. He couldn't even coax her, so he had to give her a beating. What if such a clever array weapon went wrong? !

This woman is the same. She usually looks delicate and frail, but she always screams and kills.

It’s okay not to beat him. Luo Bi didn’t want Orange Spoon to hear it, so she ran to Lieutenant General Mi Yue and said, “Spoon likes spiritual plants. Just give Orange Spoon a few high-level spiritual plants.”

Lieutenant General Mi Yue was also addicted to the orange spoon. He opened the spiritual plant box and painfully counted more than a dozen low-level and high-level spiritual plants. It was difficult for Lieutenant General Mi Yue to deal with the financial fans.

As soon as Orange Spoon saw Lingzhi, he immediately stopped making trouble.

The Thunder Flame warriors breathed a sigh of relief. Luo Bi brushed off the ice particles on her skirt and said with great disgust: "Send it home quickly!"

This is a spoon that acts as a monster, here to clean things up.

Fengling discussed with Roger and sent the Thunder Flame Warrior to deliver the orange spoon back to the Emperor Star.

Everyone continued to distribute supplies. Zhang Wu'er and the little sisters came to the supply warehouse. Jiang Xi'er was also there, as well as Lan Qiao. Ice particles swished down, and several people were covered with a layer of ice.

Jiang Xi'er went over to say hello to He Xiang and Luo Bi, while Zhang Wu'er went to Roger to look at the ingredients.

After watching for a while, Zhang Wuer said: "Roger, can I take some delicious river fresh food home to eat?"

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