Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3517 Will it cost interstellar coins?

"During Fengling's mission, have you been eating mid-level ingredients?" Roger asked. As soon as his eyelids drooped, Roger saw that the nutritional energy seasoning was also mid-level ingredients.

Luo Bi tilted her head and looked over: "What's wrong?"

"Some people are not worth it for Fengling." Roger sneered, and the ridicule was clearly obvious: "Fengling's conditions are good, but you also save money and keep buying mid-level ingredients. No one can support you."

Roger felt that Luo Bi and Fengling were not suitable for each other, but if Fengling was not worth it, Roger would look down upon her even more.

Isn’t it worth it for Fengling? Who does Fengling know you? !

Speaking of which, Luo Bi has never said such calculating words.

If it's not worth it to be someone else's husband, what do you want to do? !

Roger is surrounded by smart people who see through things without telling them.

"I spent the gold card that Fengling left behind on this mission, and the rest was spent with my own interstellar coins." Luo Bi was stunned for a moment, and continued: "I said I support my family, but the interstellar coins I spent are not Does it count?!”

Luo Bi was an honest child and quite serious. Her uncertain question stunned Roger.

Fengling left the gold card this time. Roger knew that Luo Bi spent it. Fengling would not care, and Roger would not take it seriously. However, Luo Bi said that she spent her own star. currency.

"Are you really supporting your family?!" Roger was a little confused.

Luo Bi was even more confused than him: "I have spent a lot of interstellar coins."

Roger and Fengling were young, but seeing how strong Luo Bi was, Roger glanced at the study area and whispered to Luo Bi: "You are stupid, don't spend Fengling's money on yourself."

Luo Bi was stupid: "I already said that I support the family. Besides, I have interstellar coins. Why would I keep them if I don't spend them?!"

"Spread the seasoning," Roger reminded Robbie.

Luo Bi saw that the duck meat on the grill was a little burnt, so she quickly pinched a handful of seasoning and sprinkled it on it. She was so hasty that a lot of the seasoning fell into the fire and the wood crackled.

Roger's brows furrowed. How could Luo Bi's family raise a child who couldn't cook well?

Luo Bi turned the exotic animal meat over and sprinkled the seasoning again. Roger was not very satisfied with it, but did not say anything. Instead, he continued what the talent said: "If you only eat low-level nutritious ingredients, Fengling will support you." It’s absolutely no problem. If you have Starcoins, you can go shopping, buy jewelry, clothes, and expensive bags. I don’t believe you have nowhere to spend it.”

After Roger said so much, Luo Bi said: "It's better to buy mid-level ingredients to eat."

Roger choked: "..."

"You can buy expensive cosmetics and dress yourself up." After saying this, Roger felt very strange.

Luo Bi became annoyed when she heard this: "I don't have that free time."

Roger was choked again. Will this woman spend interstellar coins?

"Jiang Xi'er and the others don't know how to spend their own interstellar coins." Roger had reason to suspect that Fengling had made Luo Bi stupid. She hated iron in her heart, but she said calmly: "In addition to buying expensive jewelry and bags, they , most of the expenses were spent on beauty and talent, but you didn’t catch any of them.”

Luo Bi had nothing to say, and Roger was almost angry. There is no woman who doesn't love bags and jewelry.

Seeing that the grill was ready to bake for a while, Luo Bi opened the oil paper bag and poured out some millet.

Roger's pupils shrank and he couldn't help but ask: "Is the millet produced by your parents a mid-level ingredient?"

"No." Luo Bi shook her head: "I found this year's new rice from an undeveloped planet."

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