Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3584 Who gets it

"That's right, you are heartless."

"What's wrong?"

"Tomorrow will be a good harvest. What if there are hunting teams and mercenary groups looking for mines?"


"Do you think people will snatch the millet valley when they see it? Can all the millet valley they find be ours?"

The things on undeveloped planets are unowned, and whoever grabs them will own them.

Hearing it with a sincere heart, if someone robbed him, he stopped talking nonsense and hurriedly harvested millet.

Some time ago, some large hunting teams and mercenary groups often led teams to search for ore sources on various undeveloped planets, but the Emerald Bamboo Star probably couldn't find it, and the large hunting teams and mercenary groups stopped coming one after another.

But the small hunting team took chances and might come to look for it at any time.

They were the ones who found the millet valley, and they felt sorry for being robbed of a table-sized piece.

Not to mention finding another 100 mu, even 200 mu, they can finish it.

With so many millet valleys urging, Lei Yan warrior and the children felt as if they had been slapped with chicken blood, and they fell into a millet valley in the blink of an eye, and they still had time to look around to see if they missed anything.

In the dark at night, the light is not good, and the bundlers are even more serious. It doesn’t matter if you can’t see clearly, even the grass and branches are tied with the millet. When you go back, you will pick out the miscellaneous things.

The one who transported millet to the valley was also awesome. While driving, he stared at the ground with big eyes. Some of the bundles in front fell off. The children jumped out of the sports car to pick them up, and they could scold people to death when they went back.

Admiral Qi Lan didn't let Mi Yue be in the future, worrying that he would scrape the ground, but if Lieutenant General Mi Yue didn't come, the group of people was almost as good as scraping the ground.

Some harvesters scratched and pulled the land, and the soil was mixed with the millet grains. The wet soil was not easy to disperse, and the ones that were bundled later were also bundled together, and then they were gathered together, and whatever was gathered together was tied together.

Too excited, and too excited to die.

Then there was the one with the two big white eyes, and he picked up a pheasant that came out to forage at night in the millet valley. How could the pheasant be so honest and flustered.

The sergeant froze for a moment, what? Take a closer look, mother, it's a pheasant.

Hurry up and pick it up for nothing, yes, this kind of thing is called picking it up for nothing.

Wei Yan, a child of the warrior family next to him, saw it, and was speechless for a while: "You really can, you can gather millet and pheasant together."

The sergeant is happy, whatever you say, grinning.

There was more than one pheasant, and from time to time there was a commotion in the millet valley, and another one was caught.

This excitement is like celebrating the Interstellar Winter Festival.

Luo Jie and Bai Yan returned to the rocky mountain. Luo Jie looked at Luo Bi with a strange face, sat down and asked, "How do you know that there is still Migudi? Bar!"

Bai Yan also said with interest: "Let me hear."

Luo Bi was in a dilemma, and she couldn't explain clearly, so she could only say: "Just treat me as nonsense, I think, once you come, plus Luo Jie and Wen Yao together, it will be the best blessing of the formation."

The Thunder Flame warriors were taken aback, and Luo Bi added: "I didn't expect it before, just now I was on the rocky mountain with Roger and Wen Yao, and seeing their positions, I felt that a formation was formed."

Just because she saw it, Luo Bi was not happy, and she wanted to go back to Zhihuangxing earlier in the evening.

But look, there is another formation blessing.

The more millet valleys are found, the more happy they are. Who wants to leave? !

Roger: "..."

Wen Yao: "..." (end of this chapter)

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