Robbie: "..."

Several children: "..."

Oh my god, don't be like they guessed.

Tang Shao followed, grabbing a handful of new millet in his hand.

So, it's just what the kids guessed.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue sat down and said, "Let's discuss how to pretend."

Luo Bixin asked who she was discussing with. Obviously, Lieutenant General Mi Yue was discussing with her.

Tang Shao also sat down and said, "Put a small bag for her, and it will be cheaper for her."

"Are you discussing with me?!" Luo Bi asked uncertainly. It seems that she doesn't need to participate in the distribution of the military department, right? One lieutenant general, one adjutant general, enough.

Tang Shao nodded: "Let's discuss how much to pack?"

All right, Luo Bi also got involved, who made Zhang Yini miss Xiaomi.

Several people discussed it while the child listened.

In terms of stinginess, Lieutenant General Mi Yue is no match, just now Luo Bi came up with the idea to pack it in a small bag, but if Luo Bi really changed his mind, Zhang Yini kept saying that he had done his best, but he didn't say what he did.

To put it bluntly, she just took credit for her efforts, and she didn't make any achievements at all, so she took advantage of it for nothing.

To deal with this kind of person, a few grains of millet are cheaper for her.

A few grains of millet are also delicious when boiled in a pot, and it is a disadvantage for others to do so for nothing.

According to Luo Bi, let her wait! Give nothing.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue said, "I think so too."

Tang Shao said: "Then no one will give it."

Robbie stopped talking, and she didn't care about the rest.

After discussing for a long time, Zhang Yi Ni didn't get anything at home.

When Zhang Yi Ni returned home from the talented talent studio, she was still annoyed at how slow the delivery was, and when she dialed to ask, no one answered her.

Still talk to her? Who has time to talk to her! If you want to eat something good, you can buy it yourself with interstellar coins, and take advantage of it for nothing. It depends on whether Lieutenant General Mi Yue and Tang Shao agree.

If Mi Yue and Tang Shao don't agree, she has no chance.

Zhang Yini didn't realize it, and called Lan Ze, Lan Ze squinted his eyes: "Don't wait, I'm fooling you."

"Why are they like this?" Zhang Yi Ni felt that she was being tricked, and her beautiful eyes turned red immediately.

Lan Ze didn't coax her after listening: "Senior officers don't have any points, so there's nothing wrong with you."

"I have a headache, what can I do if I don't eat well." Zhang Yini shed tears.

Lan Ze couldn't see it, but when she heard Zhang Yini sobbing, she felt impatient: "Okay, I'll call you the interstellar coins, and you can buy them yourself."

"Alright then!" Zhang Yini sobbed.

On the other side, Leng Lie was dealing with military affairs, Zhang Wu'er ran to find him.

Zhang Wuer smiled all over her face, and opened her mouth to mention millet: "I heard that the First Legion has received a lot of new millet."

Leng Lie told her: "I didn't participate."

So, don't think about it, stop thinking about it!

Zhang Wu'er pouted: "Luo Bi can follow suit."

"Tang Shao obeys the general." Leng Lie had to tell Zhang Wu'er: "Tang Shao doesn't say anything, and no one can say anything. Luo Bi can follow suit, but you can't."

Zhang Wu'er got angry: "Who cares?"

Sighing coldly, he said in his heart that it would be best not to be rare.

With Tang Shao in the First Legion, it's really not easy to take advantage of it.

Like Zhang Yini, rushing to be laughed at? Leng Lie couldn't afford to lose that person.

Luo Bi had learned a lot this afternoon, and when she returned home after dark, she just remembered, as if she had said that she would cook in the future, but she actually forgot. Fortunately, Feng Ling came back early, and at this time Barbecue in the kitchen area.

Luo Bi happily ran home, Feng Ling had a smile in his eyes. (end of this chapter)

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