Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3610 You choose which planet to go to

Tang Shao: "..."

Hua Ran's eyes lit up, he wants to go! What Luo Bi picked up were all natural Jadeite and Jadeite. Cutting a piece can be used as an energy stone, which is needed for family life.

Feng Ling leaned on the sofa and lazily said: "Tang Shao, why don't you accompany her to look for it."

As soon as Feng Ling opened her mouth, Luo Bi didn't want to listen to it. It would be better if Tang Shao was willing to go. Feng Ling asked Tang Shao to go just like coaxing a child, just to make her happy, so it's better not to go.

It's not that they are going to play, they really have emeralds.

Love to go or not, not to pull down.

If Admiral Qi Lan hadn't given him a sports car, Luo Bi would have taken Tang Shao to dig jadeite.

"Forget it." Robbie lost interest.

Feng Ling was very smart, and immediately laughed angrily at Luo Bi's strength.

Tang Shao was surprised by Luo Bi's reaction, how could he know Luo Bi's strength, Tang Shao asked: "How many jadeites have you detected?"

"Several dollars." Robbie said in a low spirit.

Tang Shao reckoned that several of them did not exceed ten yuan, and energy stones were consumed to go back and forth.

Tang Shao couldn't resist Luo Bi's kindness. Tang Shao pondered for a while, and asked again: "When will I go? Is it easy to find? You may not be able to find it if you find out. If it's hard to find, let it go."

Talented people have discovered many ore sources, but only two or three mine sources have been found.

Tang Shao didn't want to make a trip in vain for a few jadeites that hadn't been found yet.

Fortunately, he is free in order to deliver the sports car, so it is still possible to take half a day to go to an undeveloped planet.

"It's easy to find." Talking about what she was good at, Robbie became energetic again.

Tang Shao narrowed his eyes: "Do you know the exact location?"

Robbie hesitated, she hadn't checked yet, but it was perfectly fine to find out.

Tang Shao: "..."

Luo Bi's hesitation made Tang Shao feel uncomfortable.

It's only mid-morning now, and Tang Shao has made a decision: "Which planet to go to, is it easy to dig?"

"The natural jadeite in the open air is easy to dig." Luo Bi didn't decide, and let Tang Shao choose: "Which planet do you choose, Qingyao Xing or Jade Bamboo Xing?"

Heh, Tang Shao was a little happy when he heard that it was a natural jadeite, and then Tang Shao thought it was funny, he was quite rich in picking up leaks, and he was much richer in picking up leaks on two planets than those who were looking for ore sources.

Since it is a natural Jadeite, it would be even better. Tang Shao got up and said, "Let's go now, to Qingyao Xing."

Luo Bi didn't move, and asked something accurate: "Have the talented contractors and talented people found out the source of minerals on Qingyao Star? I don't want to join in the fun with me, it's like robbing, I don't like robbing things."

"Qingyao Xing currently detects ore sources, but I haven't heard of any detections." Feng Ling reassured Luo Bi, lest this woman think too much and hurt her body.

Luo Bi just got up, and then asked Hua Ran: "Brother, are you going?"

Hua Ran had been waiting for a long time, and nodded, Feng Ling was busy with military affairs: "I won't go."

Luo Bi happily ran to the yard, and said to Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong: "Are you going to Qingyaoxing? I'm going to take Tang Shao to dig out the missing Jadeite and call it Shangwei Bunting."

The child cheered up and said loudly, "Robby, I'll go, let's go."

Luo Bi cheerfully called Wei Bunting, Feng Ling asked Hua Ran and Tang Shao to take good care of Luo Bi, and then returned to the military headquarters.

Luo Bi called Wei Bunting, and as a result, several children came, not to mention several children from the general family, and Wei Yang also came along. (end of this chapter)

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