Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3618 No such ability

It's past noon now, no one is talking about eating, and they are busy again after drinking a saliva.

With great strength, Wei Yang and Hua Ran smashed the big rock open, and then the children asked Luo Bi, and began to dig the Jadeite. After a few heads down, it really revealed some light from the Jadeite.

Robbie commanded, dig one accurately.

Zhu Xingzhi and Tang Shao couldn't wait to come, and couldn't wait to come, Tang Shao said, "Go and see."

Zhu Xingzhi ran back, and everyone was busy.

The child leaned over to take a look, asked what was going on, and went back to tell Tang Shao.

Tang Shao: "..."

He thought that was all the surprises, but who knows, there are more.

"Luo Bi said that some people don't look for it themselves, but they like to follow others to take advantage of it. Later, they said that they found out by themselves." Zhu Xingzhi learned his tongue and said in a low-pitched way: "If that's the case, let's drag them all away, and don't give them a piece of money." Others stay."

Tang Shao was convinced, but Luo Bi was the best.

Wei Yang and Hua Ran finally dug out more than a dozen pieces of Jadeite, Wei Yang's eyes flashed, a little surprised, Wei Yang didn't know whether the number was detected by Luo Bi, or just a blind guess.

Looking at the three major galaxies, other talented contractors don't have this ability.

Luo Bi searched again, but there was no Jadeite, so Wei Yang, Hua Ran, and a group of children went to another small rocky mountain. At this time, Tang Shao and Zhu Xingzhi had dug out a Jadeite.

Zhu Xingzhi's was a nest, and Tang Shao dug only one piece of Jadeite.

Everyone was overjoyed, and picked jadeites one after another to start digging.

Luo Bi searched again, and found out the hard-to-find ones. Where she had searched, no one else would even try to find them. At this time, Luo Bi already knew how many jadeites there were.

Robbie told everyone, "Whoever digs it belongs to him."

Wei Bunting was surprised: "Don't give it to Major Tang?!"

Robbie told the child: "There are more."

"Huh?" The children were all dumbfounded.

Luo Bi said to Wei Bunting and Zhu Xingzhi: "It was the last time when Wei Yang set up an array and found several acres, we drove a sports car to other mountains, and the two small rocky mountains we saw also had Bi Fei. There are only a lot more stones than here."

As soon as this remark came out, Wei Bunting and Zhu Xingzhi were dumbfounded.

Tang Shao, Wei Yang, and Hua Ran were a little dumbfounded, Tang Shao stopped digging jadeites, stopped, and asked excitedly: "Luo Bi, you mean there are two small rocky mountains with jadeites?! "

Robbie nodded vigorously: "Ah."

Tang Shao was so stimulated by this meeting that he was a little dizzy, and he was in a daze for a while.

Luo Bi looked at him and observed Tang Shao's face, he couldn't see anything, Tang Shao's face was expressionless.

Luo Bi said to Tang Shao: "This time I brought you here to play. Everyone is digging jadeites with you. If there are less jadeites, it will be yours. Now if you find more, it will be whoever digs it."

Tang Shaoduojing, after hearing this, he came back to his senses and poked the communicator: "I'll call a team of sergeants."

Pointing to Tang Shao who had just dug a few pieces of emerald jade, Luo Bi was worried for the military department, she said: "You decide on your own."

Tang Shao dialed the communication, still a little confused.

Wei Yang: "...Mum, there are more."

Surprises follow one after another, some don't believe it.

Hua Ran's eyes were full of smiles, reaching to the bottom of his eyes.

When the children heard this, they wanted to call a team of soldiers, Zhu Xingsu said, "Dig quickly."

Robbie said, whoever digs it gets it.

Luo Bi looked at Tang Shao dialing the communication, and she thought that calling a team of soldiers would not be enough for Jadeite. (end of this chapter)

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