Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3646 Will they go

Tang Shao lowered his jaw and said to Wu Cheng, "You can take whatever you want."

Wu Cheng was also polite, and took a low-level nutritional energy fruit to eat.

Luo Bi didn't beat around the bush, and immediately asked, "Are you going to set up a battle?"

Tang Shao: "...Go."

I don't know where these words come from, the season is not suitable, and according to Luo Bi's temper, he will not be drawn to the formation for no reason, and the last few times have been rewarding.

But no matter what, Tang Shao will not refuse, at worst, he should go to investigate the situation of the alien beast tide.

Luo Bi pretended not to notice Tang Shao's hesitation, and asked Tang Shao well before mentioning General Qi Lan: "You also ask General Qi Lan, and He Yun, Luo Jie, and ask them if they will go."

Bai Yan asked Feng Ling to ask, but Luo Bi didn't care.

Tang Shao didn't understand the reason for calling other people at first, but after thinking about it for a while, he understood. However, Tang Shao was a little funny. Luo Bi is a really interesting woman, and it doesn't hurt if others treat her well.

"Okay." Tang Shao nodded: "I'll ask later."

Luo Bi was about to leave, and said to Tang Shao, "I'll go to the medicine shop to see the stove."

Tang Shaoji said: "Tell me if you are optimistic about it."

It means that he offered interstellar currency, and Luo Bi accepted it without any politeness.

Tang Shao said again: "If there is no suitable furnace, the military department will have it."

Robbie nodded and said, "I'll go and have a look."

Luo Bi called Wucheng and left. This is the area of ​​the talented talent studio. When Luo Bi came to find Tang Shao, the other talented people took a few glances. Wen Yaoluo wondered what Luo Bi was doing here.

The talented people got together and discussed in a low voice, but Luo Bi and Wu Cheng actually heard them all while strolling around.

"I heard that there was a wave of alien beasts on the undeveloped planet, and Luo Bi followed him." Jiang Luo'er greeted Luo Bi, then turned to Yun Wan and said, "It seems that the Thunder Flame warriors have formed a formation, and Bai Yan has also followed." went."

Yun Wan smiled, wanted to speak but dared not speak loudly, and said softly, "Luo Bi will follow, I can only play."

Qin Cui joined in: "Will Luo Bi set up a formation?!"

Luo Bi looked at the energy flower clusters next to her, and felt depressed, Qin Cui needed her to set up a formation.

Yu Han'er pouted: "What can she do?" She looked very disdainful, some talented people would not accept anyone.

Jiang Luo'er's eyes flickered: "She followed after looking for Migu, and she should follow suit."

Some talented people are stupid, poisonous, but also have brains.

However, Zhang Wuer was furious in her heart, and directly said angrily: "So what if she followed suit, she will only form this formation, pointing to the formation to find Migu, and she will do anything else." What."

Jiang Luo'er wanted to say, just this formation is very powerful.

But Jiang Luo'er didn't say anything, Zhang Wu'er was so jealous, it was always funny.

Hearing this, Luo Bi felt relieved, Zhang Wuer must have deliberately let her hear this, it was the method of aggressive generals, although the military department attached great importance to finding Migu, Zhang Wuer felt that it was not enough.

Is that all it takes? Zhang Wuer was provoking her.

Luo Bi understood Zhang Wu'er's subtext, but she felt that she was pointing at this place to find Migu, which made her angry, and used other skills to swindle her skills here.

Other talented people are only able to extract and refine, and they are still half-bottled. Zhang Wuer looked for ore sources, but now he only found a small ore source. It is better than looking for millet, isn't it? !

With this little ability, you still want Luo Bi to use new skills? !

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