Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3774 She will never believe you again

Fengling was unmoved. There was a wave of strange beasts in Blazing Star. It was strange that he could rest assured.

"I will lead the team to Blazing Star immediately." Fengling told Luo Bi.

Luo Bi thought about how dangerous Blazing Star was at night, and became anxious: "Don't come! Our team is really well equipped, but not enough energy stones. We have picked up natural jade stones, and we can't even use the elixir. We also dug It’s reached the top level of Lingzhi.”

Top grade spiritual plant? Fei Ling was stunned and then said: "That won't work either. I don't trust you in Blazing Star."

"I'm worried about you coming!" Luo Bi was worried that Fengling wouldn't listen to her. Their small team was well equipped, but the combat team didn't have such sufficient equipment. Luo Bi analyzed: "You have a stable mentality, unlike me. You are very timid, if I know you are coming to Blazing Star, you won’t be in danger, I can scare myself to death just thinking about it.”

Fengling took a deep breath. Don't tell me, he was really worried about Luo Bi's random thoughts and scaring him.

"Let Wen Xiao get through to Xun," Feng Ling said.

Luo Bi asked Wen Xiao to tell Fengling that Wen Xiao used video communication and Fengling had a full view of the number of high-grade spiritual plants and natural jade stones, and these were only what Wen Xiao kept.

Fengling was slightly surprised but did not show any surprise.

After a moment of silence, Fengling stopped mentioning leading the team to Blazing Star.

Luo Bi couldn't believe it. After thinking about it, she dialed back the call: "Don't come!"

Luo Bi was almost crying. She was lucky, but others were not so lucky.

Fengling said after a while: "Okay."

This woman, no matter if you have good intentions or not, if you lie to her once, she will never believe you again. Fengling took into account Wei Yang's equipment and felt a little relieved. There was no need for Luo Bi to be distracted and worried in Blazing Star.

Fighting at night is indeed not advisable.

Luo Bi hung up the communication, and the sky was getting dark. She looked down from a high position, and all she could see were strange beasts from various ethnic groups.

Where there was fighting, gravel rolled up, making it difficult to see clearly.

"There are several winged groups in Blazing Star's alien beast tide. This place is not suitable for stationing. Let's leave as soon as possible and find a suitable station before dark." Wei Yang motioned for everyone to leave.

After Luo Bi came down for a long time, she was so frightened that she was in a trance.

Luo Bi stood up and prepared to go down the mountain. Wen Xiao was worried: "What's wrong with you?"

He was worried that Luo Bi had lost her soul, and Blazing Star couldn't summon her soul.

Luo Bi never made people worry. She said: "I was afraid of heights several times and was so scared that I lost my energy."

Fortunately, the soul was not lost. Wen Xiao felt relieved and called Wei Wren over to help Luo Bi down the mountain. Everyone knew how scared Luo Bi was and they were careful when going down the mountain.

Fighting back from the tide of alien beasts and looking for a gap in the camp, Luo Bi was tangled up in her heart. The small rocky mountain she passed had a vague spiritual energy. It was not dark yet, so she took the opportunity to look for spiritual plants. Not a bad idea.

Even though time was a bit tight, Luo Bi considered that the number of high-grade spiritual plants was still not enough for her to consume at any cost.

Luo Bi was heartbroken, guessing that she could still take advantage of the opportunity to dig for spiritual plants. She stopped Wei Yang and Wen Xiao who were opening the way, pointed to the small rocky mountain next to them and said, "There should be spiritual plants. Go dig them before leaving."

Wei Yang hesitated: "We must find a rocky mountain to station ourselves in before dark."

Wen Xiao endured his heartache and said, "No more."

"Go look for it!" Luo Bilai said fiercely, "If there are monsters, we have enough spiritual plants to eat, and we can escape without any problem."

Wen Xiao thought about it and was moved. He raised his chin towards Wei Yang and said, "Go up the mountain and have a look."

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