Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3853 How rare can a hare be?

Tang Shao was surrounded by smart people, but he had never seen someone like Luo Bi.

At the garrison base, everyone felt that Luo Bi was scheming and had a plan.

Tang Shao also felt that Luo Bi had some intentions, but now, Luo Bi dared to give it away for free, but Tang Shao did not dare to take advantage of it. He turned to look at Fengling. If Fengling did not agree, the military department would not be able to take advantage of it.

Fengling's eyes flashed, and Tang Shao smiled and turned to discuss with Luo Bi: "How many hares are there in a basket? I'll count thirty and give them to Bai Nanfeng. I'll give them to him when we get back."

After throwing the hare out, Luo Bi didn't care about anything and said a perfunctory "Yeah".

"Eat a hare?!" Luo Bi said something else and ran to Fengling to act coquettishly.

Fengling naturally agreed, raising her hand to pat the snow off Luo Bi's body, her eyes full of tenderness: "Want to eat roasted or stewed? Or spicy rabbit meat, I steamed a mushroom claw crab for you .”

Zhu Xingrong had already gone to close the courtyard gate without any instructions.

Zhu Xingzhi volunteered and rolled up his sleeves: "I'll take care of the hare."

Luo Bi struggled for a while and then replied: "Baked."

Fengling nodded: "I'm afraid it will take until mid-afternoon."

"I can wait," Robbie said.

"Which one should I eat?" Zhu Xingrong ran back after closing the courtyard gate and was already picking out hares with Zhu Xingzhi: "There are many of us, Hua Ran and the others want to try it when they come back and eat a big one."

Luo Bi didn't say anything about picking up one more rabbit. She liked a bunch of hares to keep their number intact.

Tang Shao couldn't decide which one he wanted to pick. Although he wanted to pick one, he knew he couldn't do it. He called Luo Bi over and said, "Let's count the hares together."

Luo Bi waved her hand: "You count by yourself."

She wasn't worried about Tang Shao having one too many. With Tang Shao's status, it wasn't a big concern.

Besides, how rare can a hare be? !

The child picked a hare and packed it away. Fengling went to the kitchen area to prepare the seasoning for roasting hare meat. Luo Bi was also busy and ran to count the bamboo baskets and estimate the number of hares.

In the yard, in the heavy snow, Zhu Xingrong chattered to Tang Shao about how to catch hares. After a few words, the child seemed to realize that something was wrong and closed his mouth.

"Are there many hares?" Tang Shao asked.

The child said perfunctorily: "Ah."

Tang Shao is very good, so I won’t ask any more questions.

Zhu Xingrong stopped chatting with Tang Shao and ran to Zhu Xingzhi who was picking up the hares. He continued to talk: "I tell you, we can definitely catch hares, and those who run away may come back."

"Maybe I can go back." Zhu Xingzhi emphasized: "That belongs to Luo Bi."

Zhu Xingrong nodded: "Well, I won't tell others."

On undeveloped planets, hares are just hard to find, not hard to catch. What if someone knows there are hares on the slope and gets there first and catches them all? !

That was what Luo Bi found. It should be Luo Bi's.

Luo Bi was so confused that she didn't understand.

Damn it, I can’t count anymore, I have a headache again.

Luo Bi thought about the child following her to catch hares, so she said to the child: "You will be given ten hares for each of you. Count them by yourself. When Tang Shao goes back, you can ask Tang Shao to carry them back to you."

Zhu Xingzhi had already picked up the hare and sent it to the kitchen area.

Zhu Xingrong asked him: "Let's count twenty."

It's easy to count hares. After counting twenty rabbits, move them aside.

Tang Shao also finished counting and took on a new task, helping Luo Bi count the number of hares.

Tang Shao was definitely not as confused as Luo Bi when counting hares. Soon, he counted more than 200 hares.

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