Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3858 Found a top-grade plant

This time, as soon as the various ingredients were delivered, everyone could eat again.

Roger stopped being angry with Luo Bi, and then he and Wen Yao also bought a batch of fresh ingredients.

It can be said that Luo Bi couldn't eat anything from Roger and Wen Yao. The only food sent by the military department was enough for Luo Bi to eat in various ways. They mainly cooked vegetables, with various fresh fish caught from the river, and ate them every day. of comfort.

Entering April, the snow falls suddenly and the temperature drops accordingly.

Within half a day, the plants were covered with a thick layer of snow. When it reached a certain weight, the snow fell. Some branches could not bear the weight and were broken when the wind blew them.

In the morning of the next day, each family sent out snow shoveling robots to clear away the snow. Everyone who lived in Qixing had snow shoveling robots. The snow shoveling was very fast and did not affect everyone's travels.

When snow and cold weather comes, snow must be cleared in the morning in winter.

The winter is long and cold, and most of the star citizens have some free time, visiting relatives, visiting friends, and having various gatherings. Only talented people will be busy extracting and refining, but they will still be jealous of other people's leisure days and join in the fun.

Wen Fei and Wen Ya were at Wen Yao's courtyard villa, so Fengling would not take Luo Bi there if nothing happened.

The talented people in the aristocratic family circle rejected Luo Bi, and Fengling didn't want Luo Bi to get together with them.

Since the weather has gotten colder, Fengling has decorated her small living room to be warmer and warmer. With her children by her side, she can make whatever ingredients she wants to eat. Luo Bi lives happily every day and really doesn't have to deal with other talents.

Wen Yao told Wen Fei several times: "When you go to the party, you can call Fengling's wife."

Wen Fei replied: "I still want to find medicinal plants and spiritual plants."

There was nothing wrong with the answer. Because Wen Yao was injured, it was hard to go out today to find medicinal plants and spiritual plants for Wen Fei. He couldn't help. Wen Fei didn't agree to call Luo Bi, and Wen Yao couldn't talk to her.

To put it bluntly, Wen Fei and Luo Bi were not acquainted. Wen Fei had only been to Fengling's courtyard villa a few times due to Wen Yao's obstruction. Luo Bi was not in the living room yet and neither of them had said hello.

This year's winter temperature is not as cold as in previous years. The genius consorts don't want to give up looking for medicinal plants and spiritual plants. They are all inviting children from aristocratic families with strong genes. After all, the previous harvest was not enough. A few baskets of hares are enough. .

Regardless of whether it's luck or not, regardless of whether you accept it or not, if the competition goes down, the competition will go down.

Those who want to be valued by aristocratic families in finding medicinal plants and spiritual plants are disillusioned and can only continue to look for medicinal plants and spiritual plants. When it comes to medicinal plants and spiritual plants, medicinal efficacy and spiritual energy are very important. Talented masters all hope that they You can find one with high potency and sufficient aura.

Catching hares can only rely on luck, but finding medicinal plants and spiritual plants depends on ability.

Therefore, when Luo Bi caught the hare, the gifted bonders bought it, but they didn't care about it. They still valued medicinal plants and spiritual plants more. After all, the planet Qi Star is rich in these.

If you find a top-quality strain, it will be great.

The gifted bonders mentally compared themselves with the gifted bonders around them, and felt confident in their hearts. Luo Bi was also confident. She had found a high-grade spiritual plant a long time ago and even gave it away.

Luo Bi is not shy enough to compete with them, she still wants to play.

Some of the gifted bonders were able to endure hardships and braved the wind and snow to find medicinal and spiritual plants. Others could not bear the cold and were spoiled, so they did not go to the wild and have various gatherings with people in their small circle.

While Wen Fei was busy with his own business, Wen Yao went to Fengling's courtyard villa.

There is no way, the temperature set up here by Fengling is high.

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