Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3878 Not rare

When I got home, the kitchen area was already busy.

After getting off the sports car, the cousins ​​were very happy.

Luo Hang had already packed up two delicious fish. He didn't ask how to cook the fish, so he put the packed fish aside and was going to wait until Luo Bi and Luo Yan came back to ask.

There is a small living room in the kitchen area. Luo Bi took Luo Yan, who was holding a bunch of snacks, to the small living room. The small living room was close to the kitchen, and the family was busy with their own affairs without delay in talking.

Robido likes to be busy, and she finds it annoying to have to run back and forth from the living room and kitchen.

Luo Yan and Luo Bi enthusiastically put down their snacks, and Luo Hang came over to ask how to cook the fish.

Luo Yan took out a small optical computer and looked at it, and then said to Luo Bi and Luo Hang: "My cousin asked me to give my cousin 200,000 interstellar coins. You didn't have a wedding when you got married. Now I'll make up for it with cousin Luo Yuan's." dowry."

Luo Bi broke out in a sweat: "No, I'm not having a wedding."

Luo Yan poked the terminal and sent the interstellar coins to Luo Bi: "My cousin said that you are the same as Luo Yuan."

Luo Tang said that he gave Luo Yuan 200,000 interstellar coins and also gave Luo Bi 200,000 interstellar coins. He did not favor one over the other. Luo Bi was quite touched. There was no other reason. Other clan members, except Luo Huan and the old family leader, gave her the interstellar winter festival. No one would prepare a dowry for her with interstellar coins.

Damn it, every one of them has a good mouth, but they can speak well.

As long as Luo Tang can think about her, this cousin can handle it.

Luo Hang became more enthusiastic and continued to ask: "How do you want to eat fish?!"

"Is the fish ready?" Luo Bi walked to the kitchen area and called Luo Yan: "Luo Yan, do you like braised or stewed?!"

"What kind of fish is it?!" Luo Yan followed.

The two delicious fish that had been prepared were placed in the basin, and Luo Bi went to find them.

Luo Yan then saw the delicious fish in the basin, his expression paused, and he immediately smiled: "Delicious fish? It's really a good thing. This braised or stewed fish is delicious."

"Then one will be braised in braised sauce and the other will be braised in clear sauce." Luo Bi turned around and said to Luo Hang who was following behind.

Luo Hang nodded and quickly went to work.

Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting were busy in the kitchen area, and Luo Bi asked Luo Yan to go to the small living room to eat. This time they bought braised watermelon seeds, and Luo Bi tore them open and ate them.

Luo Bi didn't care about other snacks and threw them all to Luo Yan.

While eating melon seeds and snacks, Luo Bi and Luo Yan started chatting.

Luo Yan held a bag of nutritious energy snacks and said with emotion: "Injured strong genes are the most unbearable from the cold. We, the younger generation of Blazing Bamboo Star, are okay, but several cousins ​​and clan elders have a hard time every winter. If we can buy A magical elixir that warms and nourishes genes will be fine.”

Luo Bi was the direct line eldest among the girls in her generation, and she knew best what was going on in the Blazing Bamboo Star.

Back then, Luo Wan awakened her talent when she was born, and was appointed a prosperous husband. The entire family supported her. However, the Luo family of the Emperor Star was short of talented people, so they wanted to adopt him to support him.

At that time, there was a beast tide, and the entire Blazing Bamboo Star family was almost wiped out to protect Luo Wan.

The clan elders and the younger generation are all genetically injured. They have been raised for so many years, and they are just like that without the talents and treasures. Luo Tang was born with several powerful genes, but he was seriously injured and it was difficult to make further progress.

Luo Bi thought about it when she was a child, but then no one cared about it.

Now that Luo Bi is playing well with Luo Yan, she naturally considers Luo Yan. She said, "Didn't my cousin say I would give him a bottle of third-grade elixir?!"

"It's not enough! My cousin will give it to the clan elder." Luo Yan said casually while eating snacks.

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