Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3995 Who doesn’t?

Hua Ran picked up the bamboo tree and left, leaving no one to worry about now.

"Hey..." Liang Meng called: "Hua Ran, why did you move away?!"

Isn't this nonsense? Doesn't it make you more and more jealous if you don't move? !

Luo Qing simply picked up the concubine and didn't let Liang Meng take a look. What should he do after taking one look and making up his mind? Don't think about Hua Ran's one. Hua Ran has already moved away, obviously she doesn't want to give it to her.

Liang Meng didn't know how to look at his face, and his well-dressed face turned dark immediately.

"Her third uncle doesn't have the resources to upgrade his combat power, so I just thought it would be nice to have a concubine." Liang Meng returned to the sofa and sat down, planning to say: "There are three concubines here, not one or two. Just, why can’t I give one to your third uncle? Luo Bo is at the garrison base, his combat power has been upgraded, his military position will be mentioned, and his family will also benefit from it."

There is nothing wrong with what Liang Meng said, but the problem is that there are no extra concubines.

Even if there are three, it is not enough.

For a while, Luo Huan and Zhan Hui were silent.

What can Zhan Hui say? To put it bluntly, he is a son-in-law and it is not appropriate for him to interfere in his wife's clan affairs. Marriage! That's the good thing. We will only stand together if we have interests.

If Luo Yao had the ability to get a concubine, Zhan Hui would be happy to see it happen.

Luo Fu's combat power has been upgraded, which is beneficial to Zhan Hui.

Of course, the concubine has no effect in improving combat power, Liang Meng just said it nicely.

Zhan Hui would not expose it, so Luo Qing broke the slightly awkward atmosphere with a smile, sitting on the sofa and said: "Who doesn't want to upgrade the third uncle's combat power? The problem is that the concubine is not enough."

Who can't be nice and obedient?

"There are three." Liang Meng kept thinking about it.

Luo Qingxin said that none of the three are yours!

Luo Bi didn't have the patience to talk nonsense, and asked Liang Meng directly: "Uncle Third can also have one. How many interstellar coins can you give me? For Zhan Hui's one, he gave me 10 million interstellar coins."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Cao and Liang Meng were both stunned. Did they give them interstellar coins? They thought they were getting a concubine for free.

Luo Fu and Liang Meng looked at Zhan Hui subconsciously, and Zhan Hui nodded slightly. He didn't buy it for free with interstellar coins. There should be no misunderstanding.

Liang Meng's eyes flashed, knowing that it was impossible for Bai to ask for a concubine, and there was no reason to do so. If Luo Huan was given a concubine for nothing, she could follow Bai and ask for it.

Their third room was closer to the second room than Luo Huan. Otherwise, the third room would not have known that Luo Bi had caught the concubine, and then Zhi Huangxing came. They came because they had the confidence.

"I won't let you suffer." Liang Meng stopped sullen now. The temperature in the living room was not low. She took off her lady's coat, sat upright and said, "You also know that your cousin Luo Yuan just got married. I spent a lot of interstellar coins, and my family is not well-off, so I’m afraid I can’t give you too many interstellar coins. Just tell me the number, and your third uncle and I will sum it up and try not to let you suffer a loss.”

"Yes." Luo Yao also said: "It's not easy to catch a bird. Your third aunt and I can't let you suffer."

This was said so beautifully that no one who heard it could say anything else.

Luo Bi doesn't care about this. She is most concerned about how many interstellar coins Sanfang can give her. Why are you talking about this nonsense? Luo Bi said: "How much will it cost if I don't suffer a loss? Is it the same as Zhan Hui?"

Zhan Hui gave him 10 million interstellar coins. Liang Meng was startled and frowned: "The third room cannot afford so many interstellar coins."

Then there is no need to talk nonsense, Luo Bi said: "Forget it, there are no extra birds." (End of Chapter)

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