Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3999 Good Luck

Luo Huan was at a loss. Even the main residence might not have such good nutritional and energy ingredients.

Luo Huan could no longer recognize the family background of his second uncle's family. In the past, he had only eaten at his second uncle's house a few times. The dishes he cooked were all made with very ordinary ingredients, and his family background was very ordinary.

Luo Huan asked Zhan Hui to sit down, and Zhan Hui calmed down his surprised expression.

If this table of dishes is said to be high-end, it is not that high-end. Except for the delicious fish and five steamed mushroom claw crabs, the rest are ordinary nutritional energy ingredients, which contain nutritional energy, but not much.

Luo Huan called Luo Bi: "It's time to eat."

Luo Bi brought the chopsticks over. This was at her home, not the main house, so she was not polite.

Luo Bi dragged a chair and sat next to Luo Huan. Zhan Hui's eyes flashed. In the main house, Luo Bi would not eat with everyone at the table, and even if she did, she would not be so casual.

In the past, Zhan Hui disliked Luo Bi very much. She was too pretentious and was spoiled by her family. She would definitely look down on someone from a big family like Zhan Hui. Moreover, Luo Bi was still scheming. Zhan Hui didn't like Luo Yuan and Luo Bi. Bi moves.

Later, Luo Bi got married. This marriage was the same as no marriage at all. The Luo family could not take advantage of Fengling's influence.

Zhan Hui still doesn't like Luo Bi. Since Luo Bi sold him nutritional energy red fruit last time, Zhan Hui doesn't like Luo Bi so much. Some time ago, Luo Bi found the Blazing Bamboo Tree again, and Zhan Hui was surprised.

This time Luo Bi caught the concubine. To be honest, Zhan Hui wanted Luo Yuan and Luo Bi to pick up the relationship between cousins ​​and move around as relatives again. However, Zhan Hui sneered and Luo Yuan obviously didn't want to.

Zhan Hui thinks this woman is a bit stupid.

But Luo Yuan is good-looking, so the marriage will be a good thing!

After this trip, Zhan Hui thought about going with the second room. There was no other reason. Hunting teams and mercenary groups went on missions to gain wealth and wealth through danger. One was based on the strength of the hunting team, and the other was luck.

This kind of luck is very enviable, but I can't envy it.

As far as Zhan Hui knows, the Luo family is only blessed with a prosperous husband, Luo Wan. Countless families are rushing to marry Luo Wan. Unfortunately, Luo Wan has fallen in love with the Bai family, so there is nothing they can do.

I heard that Tong Wan, the one who married into the family, seems to be somewhat lucky, and the others are very ordinary.

This time Luo Bi caught the concubine again. Zhan Hui felt that Luo Bi was also somewhat lucky.

If you can grow high-grade fruit trees, it may be due to other opportunities and Luo Bi did not plant them. But Luo Yan did not give Luo Bi the blazing bamboo tree. There were several trees. Luo Bi found them when he went to blazing bamboo star. .

There are also birds, don’t say that Luo Bi was just lucky to catch them, luck is also a skill!

"Shall we eat?" Luo Bi asked, holding chopsticks.

"You eat first." Hua Ran couldn't say anything, so Luo Huan said, "We'll eat together when Luo Qing comes."

Luo Bi hesitated: "Am I going to eat alone?!"

Luo Huan clicked his chin: "Eat."

Luo Bi picked up the stir-fried vegetables and Luo Qing came from the kitchen area to the living room.

Seeing the ingredients on the table, Luo Qing said, "I didn't ask Luo Jun to come."

Luo Qing just said it casually, and Hua Ran immediately said: "I'll call Luo Juan."

It’s almost done. If you ask someone to come over, the food will be cold. This is winter. Luo Bi took her chopsticks and said, “Stop calling. The food will be cold when my cousin comes. After a while, the cousin will go back to the main house and steam it.” Get two mushrooms and claw crabs for my cousin."

This was the best ingredient. Five of them were steamed in total. Luo Bi decided to give two to Luo Juan.

Because of Luo Jun, there is no need to call people here.

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