Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4005 What she wants to eat

Fengling is very busy with military affairs, and General Qi wants to upgrade his combat power.

Luo Bi had also heard that they attached great importance to the upgrade of General Qi Lan's combat power anyway, so Luo Bi couldn't care less about it. She had a headache, and she would get headaches from time to time just eating light food.

Luo Bi didn't even know what to eat. The main reason was that she felt tired after eating meat all the time, and she felt greedy if she didn't eat meat.

Luo Bi cooked braised pork liver at home and didn't dare to eat more. She was still craving for meat after eating it.

Ouch, I'm so annoyed.

There was no other way. Luo Bi thought that it might be because the conditions were good and the ingredients she ate were too good. In order to avoid headaches and dizziness, Luo Bi had to organize the vegetable plots in the planting field.

When Luo Bi was a child, she couldn't eat nutritional supplements and ordinary food, so she ate home-grown food. It wasn't impossible to buy it, but her family was not well-off, so it was better to eat home-grown food to save Star Coins.

Can Luo Bi farm? If she knows how to plant, she won't plant if she can. She's lazy.

There is nothing to do now, just grow your own vegetables and eat them! Her mother is not as good as her.

The persimmons had been picked once, and after so many days, some were red again. Luo Bi turned on the faucet and watered the ground, picked two good ones, washed them and ate them.

Most people like to eat red persimmons, but not Luo Bi. She likes to eat half-cooked persimmons, which have a taste of raw persimmons. Luo Bi has not eaten raw persimmons for many years, but she ate one and it tasted like this. Damn it. The persimmons I bought didn’t have this smell.

After eating this, Luo Bi ate another one.

There was no need to think about extracting or refining today. The ground was watered, and Luo Bi walked around the planting field. When she was happy, she even went to see the little red chicken and the monster jumping and chirping.

Her current vegetable plot contains persimmons and green peppers, but no chili peppers. She will plant a small patch of chili peppers in the newly opened vegetable plot. She needs to think carefully about how to plant them, which should be the same as the method of growing green peppers.

Luo Bi has not been able to eat spicy food since she was a child, so she has never grown spicy peppers.

Luo Bi didn't plan to use the planting method she went to school. She learned it at Emperor Star Academy. Luo Bi also experienced it and planted according to the instructor's instructions. To be honest, it was really not good.

It might as well be that she planted it according to the general planting method. The germination rate of the method in the book was too low.

Moreover, the things planted seemed to be malnourished. The plants were thin and thin, and the longer they grew, the less likely they were to survive. Luo Bi didn't listen to this anymore. She could plant whatever she wanted.

There are also onions, purple leeks, cucumbers, round eggplants, green melons, Chinese cabbages, green vegetables, pea pods, and other common vegetables in the planting field. It is said that there are many types of vegetables grown at home, but Luo Bi feels that they are not enough.

She would grow some of whatever she wanted to eat.

Forget about ginger, this Luo Bi doesn’t know how to grow it.

However, you need to grow some coriander. Luo Bi likes to eat this. Put it in bean paste and pickle it to make it delicious. Of course, others don't like it very much, but Luo Bi likes it.

After watering the ground, it couldn't dry out for half a day in winter, so we had to plant coriander the next day.

Luo Bi returned to her parents' home and asked Mrs. Zhu for some coriander seeds. The germination rate of coriander was low. Mrs. Zhu took out a bag with about half a catty. She guessed that she planned to sow more seeds with a low germination rate.

Luo Bi stretched out her little paw: "Just give me a handful. I can grow it at home and eat it. I don't need too much."

Mrs. Zhu felt that a handful of coriander seeds was too little: "I'll give you some more."

"No need." Luo Bi didn't want any more.

Mrs. Zhu grabbed a large handful and put it into a paper bag without pouring it into her hand.

"Too many." Luo Bi yelled.

"Not much." Mrs. Zhu gave her the paper bag and asked in confusion: "Why do you suddenly want to grow vegetables?!"

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