Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4029 Eat or keep

Ever since Wu Xuan reported the number of twenty-one colored crystal stones, the head of the Wu family has become dizzy.

Suddenly, he believed Wu Cheng's deceptive words.

The twenty-one colored crystals turned into eleven. The difference was not one or two. The head of the Wu family's voice trembled. This time he was so panicked: "Count... count again." ·······”

"Hmm..." Wu Cheng also panicked and sat on the ground. Fortunately, the floor was not cold. Wu Cheng pressed the chicken's head and nodded with his fingers: "I'll count again, one, one, one, One..."

"..." Mr. Wu almost fainted.

Wu Shao looked at his little cousin with complicated eyes. Wu Shao gritted his teeth and said, "One for two..."

"Oh oh oh oh..." Wu Cheng was very obedient. Whatever his brother said, the little Leiyan warrior stared at the chicken's head seriously and nodded with his fingers: "...Three One, four..."

The head of the Wu family, Wu Shao, and Wu Zhuo had given up hope that Wu Cheng would count again. The jump was too big. At this moment, they also realized why the count was wrong. This kid had troubled their brains. .

"Sixteen." Wu Cheng looked up at everyone. Wu Shao, who was stunned by the surprise, completely returned to his senses and pulled Wu Cheng away: "Go aside."

Wu Cheng was confused and didn't know why his elder brother treated him like this.

Wu Shao glanced at the little red chicken monster's head, and it was clear at a glance. He estimated that it should be the twenty-one numbers Wu Shao had counted. Thinking of this, Wu Shao became excited again. He was worried and distracted. Wu Shao calmed down his excitement. Only then began to count the colored crystal stones.

"Twenty-one." Wu Shao said.

"I'll count." After experiencing what happened to his youngest son, the head of the Wu family didn't believe anyone. He even doubted his proud eldest son's counting. After all, each colorful crystal stone was more precious than the next.

As a result, the head of the Wu family counted too seriously and ended up counting incorrectly.

This is wrong, the head of the Wu family counted it again.

Mrs. Wu came to the living room and was surprised when she saw the little red chicken monster with a head of colorful crystal stones. Then, she was shocked by the countless postures of the Thunder Flame warriors in the room.

Mrs. Wu found it unbelievable and became very angry. Then she waved her handkerchief and asked the head of the Wu family to go aside. Mrs. Wu counted with a temper, but for some reason, it was different from what Wu Xuan and Wu Xuan were counting.

This family, in the middle of the night, collapsed after counting the colorful crystal stones.

In the end, it was Wu Shao who came to his senses first. He and Wu Shao counted correctly, but it was the others who counted wrongly.

Wu Shao stopped participating in such serious and mind-numbing counting. He got up and went to the kitchen to boil a pot of water, made tea and took a sip. He calmed down completely, and then began to think about eating this precious little red chicken monster. , still raising it.

Wu Shao was in charge of the entire family, and he had a rough idea of ​​how many Thunder Flame warriors were injured and needed colored crystal stones. For those whose strong genes were on the verge of collapse, it would be best to use colored crystal stones.

Regardless of the twenty-one colored crystal stones, in fact, it is still not enough when consumed.

If it's not enough, it can't be used. If you can save one, just save one.

The colored crystal stone was so precious that Wu Shao was reluctant to eat the little red chicken monster. If he kept it, this delicate bird would not be easy to raise, and raising it to death would be a waste.

But no matter what, this is a big favor.

Luo Bi was Wu Cheng's classmate, and Wu Shao couldn't get along, so he called Wu Cheng over.

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