Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4040 If Little Fireball is unhappy, you can coax him

Wei Jun chuckled, Zhan Di and Fengling looked at each other, Wen Ya had little chance.

The Wen family is Fengling's wing. Wei Yu and Wen Ya are getting married. Fengling is also happy to see it happen. Seeing what Wei Yu means, she really doesn't like Wen Ya. She belongs to a wealthy family and likes luxury, but she is not even willing to be a general. , then it’s basically out of the question.

"They are picking the fruits from Little Fireball. Is Little Fireball willing?" Luo Bi asked curiously.

Luo Bi had seen how much Spoon and Little Fireball treasured the flower and fruit trees at home, and was stingy. However, considering that Wen Fei and Wen Ya were members of the Wen family, it might not be a problem.

"I don't want to!" Wen Xiao took Little Fireball as a child in the family and said with a smile: "Wen Fei and Wen Ya are not outsiders. They grew them at home. Even if they eat a few of them, they can't follow Little Fireball's temper."

There are various considerations in getting along with the big family. If Xiao Huoqiu is not happy, Wen Yao won't let Wen Fei and Wen Ya eat a home-grown flower and fruit. This is unreasonable.

Luo Bi just laughed and refused to follow the little fireball!

"Why are you laughing?" Wen Xiao asked her.

Luo Bi didn't want to say much, but after thinking about it, she still spoke for Little Fireball and He Shao: "Nothing to laugh at, well, Little Fireball planted the fruit tree, and it wasn't happy, and it's not good for others to pick its fruits. "

"Who else?" Roger said, "Wen Fei and Wen Ya are members of the Wen family."

Yes, Luo Bi stopped talking.

Zhan Di said: "Just coax him."

This means that you have to pick the fruit when it’s time to pick it, and you can coax the little fireball if it’s not happy.

Luo Bi wanted to ask Zhan Di, if it were Zhan Di's stuff in your house, would you think so too. Luo Bi glanced at Zhan Di but didn't say anything out loud. They both looked at each other with disgust, so it was better for them to ignore each other.

They are all elite children of aristocratic families. Zhan Di, Roger and others only talked to Fengling to give her face. What they wanted to do, without Luo Bi's input, it was better for her to stay less involved.

The direct branch of the Luo family sounds like a big family. In fact, the direct branch is not on the same level as the main family of the Emperor Star. The direct branch lives the life of an ordinary family.

Each other knows what they know, no one can expose it.

Luo Bi knew in her heart the level of her direct branch of the family. Therefore, she had already set her position. As Fengling's wife, she could talk to Zhan Di, Luo Jie and other senior officers.

In addition, don't get too close, lest others think you have ulterior motives.

Also, I always get a sense of presence by interjecting in everything I say.

It's better to say goodbye, Luo Bi really doesn't mean that.

Therefore, Luo Bi did not say the words that came to her lips.

Several senior officers chatted about military affairs and discussed how to celebrate the interstellar winter festival when they returned to the Emperor Star. They agreed to go to the dungeon to buy planetary specialties and bring them back to the Emperor Star when they had free time. Luo Bi and Wei Zi muttered about the new clothes they bought.

It snowed heavily that night, and there was a heavy snowstorm in the middle of the night, with a howling cold wind.

Fengling went to the military headquarters early in the morning. It was estimated that the legions would have a holiday after two busy days. Luo Bi got up, looked around after breakfast, rolled up her sleeves and packed up her housework. It was almost the interstellar winter festival.

At noon, the doorbell rang at home.

Luo Bi thought who could it be at this time? After getting off the balcony, I opened the door and saw a tree in front of me. A tree? Luo Bi was dumbfounded and stared at the fruit tree.

Then, the Wen family's little fireball carrying the tree appeared from behind.

Oh my god, Luo Bi's beautiful eyes widened. Did the Wen family's little fireball uproot its precious flower and fruit tree? ? ? ? ? ?

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