Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4046 You can also buy rare things

Zhan Di really couldn't stand Luo Bi, so he just went to see rare nutritional and energy ingredients.

There is no shortage of anything in the dungeon, and everything is sold. It depends on your luck. If you are lucky, you can also buy rare things, such as ingredients with high nutritional value.

Or, level 5 or above ginseng grass, mountain zhi and the like.

In the circle of aristocratic families, the things given during the interstellar winter festival are also valuable.

Roger, Wen Yao, and Zhan Di have almost recovered from the current strong genes. It is estimated that they will return to their families and recuperate. After the interstellar cold season, the injured strong genes will be fine.

After shopping for a long time, everyone returned home with a full load.

After returning home, Luo Bi stamped her feet on the ground. Her body was warm, but her feet were very cold.

In the afternoon, Qin Cui called and asked Luo Bi if she would go to her house to fry melon seeds. There were no river melon seeds. There was no river freshness caught this year. During the interstellar winter festival, only plant melon seeds could be fried.

Of course, there are some ways to save trouble and buy fried plant melon seeds.

The family members of the garrison have their own plans. Some people on their home planet have planted melon seeds, so they plan to fry them themselves. Not only will the seasoning be good, but they can also be according to their own tastes. The saltiness of the salt before frying is moderate.

The main thing is the atmosphere. The garrison families and talented people come together and can make more connections. The wife is an ordinary person, the husband has a military position, these are connections, and talented people have their own little ideas.

"You know Li Feng's cooking skills. The melon seeds he fry are delicious." Qin Cui tried her best to praise Li Feng's cooking skills in order to earn melon seeds. She said, "Zhang Yao and the others are here to fry melon seeds. If you also If you want to stir-fry, come over and join us."

Luo Bi wanted to join in the fun, but: "I don't have any melon seeds!"

Qin Cui: "······"

"You fried melon seeds last year, and I thought you would also fry melon seeds this year." Qin Cui explained, and then said: "Forget it, if you don't have melon seeds, you can come over and play, and let's join in the fun."

Luo Bi, who was not sure whether to go or not, responded first: "Okay, I'll go when I have time."

He Xiang wanted to return to his home planet during this interstellar winter festival, but He Yun wouldn't go back and He Yun didn't have time, so He Xiang could only take He Shao back to his family.

What are you going back for? Receive red envelopes!

The He family paid great attention to opening the spoon of wisdom and gave red envelopes generously.

Why don’t you go back if you have a red envelope?

He Xiang was quite happy and left with He Shao, accompanied by He Qian. When He Xiang and He Shao went out, neither He Yun nor He Qian felt at ease, and neither did the elders of the family.

Wei Zi also wanted to return to his home planet, so he came over and told Luo Bi that he would be back soon. Not long after he stayed on his home star, Luo Bi packed a box of food for the children of the Warlord family to take back.

"Why don't you prepare something to eat for me?" Wei Zi joked.

Luo Bi was really dumbfounded and speechless. She didn't expect Wei Tzu.

When Wei Zi saw Luo Bi's expression, he was stunned for a moment, and then walked away with a smile: "I'm just kidding you, it's great that Wei Zi can become friends with you, I'm even jealous."

Luo Bi smiled and sent Wei Zi away.

Wei Zi moved a carton of things back, and Wei Yun was still puzzled. When Wei Zi said this, Wei Yun raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Maybe you can also make friends with Luo Bi."

Wei Zi said, "We'll talk about it when we get back."

Wei Yang and Wei Zi returned to their home planet, but Wei Yu and Wei Yuan did not go back. They had military affairs and couldn't do without.

After the holiday, Luo Jie and Wen Xiao made preparations before heading back to Emperor Star. Before leaving, they came over to say something to Fengling.

Later, Leng Lie also returned to the Emperor Star.

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