Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4059 I still can’t afford to support you

Luo Bi's good mood disappeared instantly. Was she still sweet? As soon as Luo Bi came into contact with Fan Yao, she said, "Damn it, I really didn't see it. I'm not angry enough with Luo Bi. If I knew about this, Luo Bi wouldn't come to the restaurant to eat."

It was impossible to maintain such a good mood. Luo Bi was so angry after eating a meal.

"I have some small spiritual plants left over from refining." Xue Ya took a sip of the soup, swallowed it and said, "If you don't mind it, you can go to my place and take it back for practice."

Xue Ya showed her kindness, but Luo Bi didn't feel any bad intentions and said with a smile: "No need, I still have what I bought."

Xue Ya nodded and didn't mention it again.

Fan Yao blinked her beautiful eyes and ate and drank gracefully.

Luo Bi looked even more angry. She was not that well-educated, so she couldn't help but be angry. You said she didn't spend Fan Yao's interstellar coins to refine the furnace, so who was Fan Yao? Who could she care about? !

Luo Bi ran to her parents' house and talked to her parents about Fan Yao. She told others about their love for Fan Yao and told Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting what Fan Yao said.

Guan Zhuting frowned: "This Fan Yao seems to have no good intentions."

Luo Hang also said: "She can't control us."

Guan Zhuting also came to protect you at this time: "I will tell your brother later that your brother's mercenary group will go on a mission in the spring and ask him to collect more spiritual plants for practicing. Can our two families not be able to support you?!"

Luo Bi felt relieved. Damn it, Fan Yao left.

"She was pushed into the trend of strange beasts last year." Luo Bi gloated: "She deserves it."

Luo Hang was happy when he heard this.

Guan Zhuting had been a wife in a truly wealthy family. After hearing this, she told Luo Bi: "Don't say that to others."

"I won't say anything if she doesn't offend me." Luo Bi couldn't figure it out: "I didn't bother her too much. If it's a good intention, just mention it once. What does it mean to keep disapproving of my refining?"

To say that Fan Yao said this because of his naivety requires Luo Bixin.

Obviously, Luo Bi didn't believe it and was dissatisfied with Fan Yao.

"It's hard for me to be in a good mood." Luo Bi said angrily, "Damn it."

What can Guan Zhuting and Luo Hang do? Luo Bi's talent is useless, and her family can't help.

Guan Zhuting said: "She said what she said, just ignore it."

After talking to her parents, Luo Bi felt less depressed.

There is no way. In the future interstellar era, strength will speak for itself. She is not strong enough, and it is useless to be angry. Fortunately, her talent is not really useless, and she has saved energy liquid.

This is her confidence.

Next, hunting teams and mercenary groups started to go out on missions one after another to earn interstellar coins. Talented talents were also eager to try, preparing to pick a powerful hunting team to go on missions.

There is no need for people like Wen Fei, Luo Wan, and Lan Heng to go on missions. They can refine high-grade elixirs without going out for mission experience. There is no need to follow them to the wind and rain outside the safe zone. .

Luo Bi fried several times, and it took several days to feel better.

More than half of the refining materials purchased were gone, and all the jade stones given by Fengling were extracted. Luo Bi was in a good mood when she woke up early in the morning. When she looked in the mirror in the afternoon, Luo Bi found that her skin was very good.


Luo Bi: "······"

Can eating nutritious energy foods really extend your life? ! !

Damn it, she also had to refine the nutritious and energy ingredients. Luo Bi rubbed her little paws and went to bed happily at night. She slept very well and the sun was shining brightly when she woke up in the morning.

Luo Bi arranged the cauldron and placed the spiritual plants and jade stones. (End of chapter)

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