Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4062 This cousin makes her look good

Luo Bi just laughed, a little mockingly.

Fan Yao is one of the younger generation of gifted disciples. She has a high level of talent. When dealing with talents with lower status than her, she will inadvertently reveal a sense of superiority. It is not obvious. Her smile is sweet and everyone will just look up to her.

"Food is in short supply in spring, so hunting teams and mercenary groups will lead teams on missions." Xue Ya had a good impression of Luo Bi. She hesitated and said, "You can go on missions with the team and practice more. After all, you will awaken your talents. It’s hard to give up.”

Before Luo Bi could say anything, Fan Yao immediately said innocently, "But her talent is useless!"

In a word, Xue Ya's proposal is meaningless.

In Fan Yao's eyes, talent and experience are superfluous.

This sweet person has a really vicious mouth. Luo Bi smiled and didn't want to say more.

Xue Ya glanced at Fan Yao, who ate the fruit platter in small bites. The price of this plate of nutritious and energy-rich fruits was not low. Eating it was good for the body of the gifted bonder, but most gifted bonders could not afford it.

"Our Fan Yao is very talented." Fan Yao boasted. Fan Yao was not jealous at all about Fan Yao, his cousin.

Luo Bi didn't say anything to see if the dish she ordered was brought. Xue Ya agreed: "Fan Yao's talent is indeed not low. He is very good at extraction and refining. I am envious of him. Fan Yao is also beautiful."

Fan Yao smiled and said: "Am I a great beauty?"

Xue Ya was so funny that she called her: "Big beauty."

Luo Bi's mouth would not be so boastful. When the roasted crucian carp, barbecued meat, and cold dishes were served, Luo Bi began to eat. If no one talked to her, Luo Bi would not speak.

"Luo Bi, you are getting more and more beautiful." Xue Ya stopped eating and drank juice.

Fan Yao looked over and looked at Luo Bi.

Luo Bi sighed, and sure enough, Fan Yao said after a while: "You are not good at makeup. This color of lip gloss is not suitable for you. Moreover, your skin care is not good, and your clothes are not matched well."

When it comes to beauty, Fan Yao seems to be better at it.

Luo Bi glanced at Fan Yao meaningfully. If it weren't for the different family backgrounds, Fan Yao had a sweet appearance and the demeanor of a lady from a wealthy family. Luo Bi seemed to have seen a trace of Tong Wan.

"I don't care about this." Luo Bi said.

Fan Yao smiled confidently and chatted with Xue Ya, excluding Luo Bi.

Xue Ya didn't notice it, but Luo Bi felt it. After seeing it many times, Luo Bi didn't find it strange at all. Compared to Zhang Wu'er, Fan Yao was more difficult to deal with, and Zhang Wu'er's methods were not as good as Fan Yao's.

Fan Yao didn't think Fan Yao had any bad intentions, and listened to Fan Yao's charming words with a smile.

Fan Yao came to visit relatives. She had free time, but Xue Ya still had to work. Therefore, Xue Ya and Luo Bi left after dinner, and Fan Yao accompanied Fan Yao to go shopping.

Yang Yu wanted to ask Fan Yao to go on a mission with the team. In the past few days, he even gave Fan Yao some interstellar coins and asked Fan Yao to take Fan Yao around. Yang Yu said that if Fan Yao liked anything, he could buy it for her. .

Feng Zihui fell ill after hearing about it, and Fan Yao felt very happy. This time, her cousin would help her.

Legion combat teams are also preparing for missions during this time, as well as hunting teams and mercenary groups on the planet. Those who are capable have their own talents with the team, while those who are not capable can only invite talents with low talents.

A talented disciple who belongs to the legion combat team, not to mention having a lot of face.

The status of each other does not need to be divided by the talent academy. The gap will be distinguished at this time.

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