Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4065 Not acting coquettishly

Luo Bi didn't care about food, so Feng Ling ordered a nutritious meal from the garrison base restaurant at noon and went home.

Luo Bi answered the call and waited at home. Fengling went to the balcony and put down the lunch boxes. Luo Bi opened several lunch boxes, including three dishes, one soup, a barbecue and a grilled fish, all of which were carefully matched.

"Try to see if it suits your taste." Fengling sat down and said.

Luo Bi tasted a piece of green celery: "It's delicious."

Compared with the deceitful people, it is already very good, and it is better than taking nutritional supplements.

Luo Bi is a child of an aristocratic family and lives the life of an ordinary family. As long as she eats food that is not grown by robots and nutrients, Luo Bi is not picky about food.

Luo Bi is not particular about food.

Fengling also found out, so she was particularly worried. Fengling didn't mind spending time preparing food for Luo Bi every day, but he was busy with military affairs and really didn't have time to take care of Luo Bi three times a day.

Fengling tried it out, but Luo Bi didn't mean it either.

Okay, Fengling doesn't care about her.

After dinner, Fengling cleared the table and came back: "We are going to an undeveloped planet for hunting. Do you want to go together? It's not early spring right now, and the temperature is very suitable."

Luo Bi was stunned: "A mission for the military? Or a hunting team organized by the combat members themselves?"

Fengling said: "The hunting team organized by Qin Yilang."

In previous years, Qin Yilang would organize small hunting teams to go to undeveloped planets at this time. Luo Bi knew that she wanted to go. It was one thing to be bored at home. The main reason was that she wanted to experience and become a talented companion. Luo Bi was not surprised, but she wanted to be talented. The strength of the Contractor.

Of course, this strength is that of a first-level talent bonder, not a high-level one.

Wanting too much is just wishful thinking.

"I want to go." Luo Bi didn't act coquettishly, but her tone was a little different.

Fengling felt strange after hearing this: "Then go."

"Eh..." Luo Bi hesitated, and she had no choice but to tell Fengling: "My talent is useless, will I not want to follow Qin Yilang? If they don't want to, it would be bad for me to follow."

This was too much to think about, for fear of causing trouble to others, Feng Ling sighed, worried that Luo Bi would be wasting her mind, and said: "Qin Yilang proposed it, you don't have to think too much, I am here."

Fengling is very capable. Upon hearing this, Luo Bi felt at ease: "If I follow, do I need to provide some elixir or something?"

Fengling said: "No need."

Luo Bi nodded, feeling nervous knowing that he was going on a mission.

During this period, she had heard from Wei Zi that after this winter, starting from spring, the danger coefficient of undeveloped planets would be slightly higher. From time to time, she heard that someone was seriously injured, and some talented people did not want to follow them to practice. .

The Leiyan warriors didn't care. As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. In-service soldiers organize their own teams to go on missions. They only need to hand over 10% or 20% of the harvest. It depends on the situation. It's hard to say.

But even so, the soldiers are willing to form a team to go to undeveloped planets.

Fengling then got busy. She applied for a manned spaceship, equipment, energy fluid, elixirs, and energy stones. She could apply for part of it from the military department. If there were more, Fatty Mi, who was so obsessed with it, wouldn't give it to her.

Fengling prepared part of it, plus what was applied for by the military department, it was enough for one mission.

Luo Bi returned to her parents' home and said, "I'm going to follow him to an undeveloped planet for training."

Luo Hang didn't ask much else. He was worried that the Thunder Flame Warriors would view Luo Bi as a burden with no fighting ability. After all, Luo Bi's talent was useless, and Luo Hang was not unaware of it.

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