Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4067 Going on a mission

It's just a little bigger, but the layout of the spacecraft can be considered luxurious.

Several levels lower than the small luxury spacecraft, this is still the light luxury spacecraft Fengling requested to apply for. According to Qin Yilang, one airship is enough, and the temporary team they formed does not have many people.

Hua Ran and Wen Xiao were familiar with each other and sat together, along with Jiang Yixin and Li Feng.

Li Feng lowered his head and pulled at the storage ring to find something for Qin Cui.

Qin Cui was talking to the beautiful lady next to her who was dressed up. Looking at the gauze skirt and the beads on the gauze skirt from the side, she looked beautiful. Luo Bi took a look and, wow, it turned out to be Wenya from the Wen family.

Wenya had dressed up carefully and was looking in the small mirror. She loved beauty.

"Luo Bi." Qin Cui greeted Luo Bi when he saw her.

They don't play together often anymore, they are alienated from each other, Luo Bi responded.

Wen Ya only glanced back and ignored Luo Bi.

Luo Bi was curious and asked everyone in a low voice: "Why do you follow so many talented people?"

Wen Xiao put away the small optical brain: "Following the experience, Wenya wants to upgrade her level. She is currently a dual-system first-level low-level talent master, and is about to break through to the intermediate level."

Don't tell her this, say that Luo Bi doesn't understand anything.

A first-level talent bonder can refine several grades of elixir, with almost 10% efficacy, and how many bottles can be refined in one furnace. Luo Bi heard these things popularized by others, but was not in the mood to listen, so she did not remember them.

If you don't remember anything, you just don't know anything. Luo Bi's mind is empty.

As for how many bottles of energy liquid can be extracted? She doesn't know what the extraction rate is.

So, don't tell her. Even if you tell her, Luo Bi won't know.

Among the several people, Qin Cui belongs to the first combat team, and Wenya is not from the first combat team. According to Wenya, she wanted to practice with the family's hunting team, but Wenyao did not lead the team and asked Wenxiao to take her out. Task experience.

Along the way, Qin Yilang told everyone about Cui Chixing's situation and asked several women to follow the team closely.

Qin Yilang probably knew what Qin Cui brought, except for Luo Bi and Wen Ya. Qin Yilang didn't know very well. Usually he didn't ask, and Fengling wouldn't talk to him about Luo Bi. Therefore, Qin Yilang only knew that Luo Bi had a high-end storage device.

However, I heard that it was very depleted, and I don’t know what happened after so many years of use.

"How is your colorful bracelet?" Qin Yilang asked.

"It's cracked," Luo Bi said truthfully.

That means it's broken. Qin Yilang is a little pity. He has seen how Luo Bi uses it. He doesn't think high-end storage is a rare thing. It's awesome. It's strange that it's not broken.

In this case, it is hard to hope.

"How big is your storage bracelet?" Qin Yilang asked Wen Ya.

"Fifty square meters." Wen Ya said.

What? Luo Bi turned her head immediately. Fifty square meters is so small? !

Wen Ya was born in the Wen family and was equipped with good things throughout her experience. Did Luo Bi think she was so powerful that the storage bracelet was only 50 square meters? I also know that gifted masters love vanity, and Wenya's storage bracelet is quite expensive.

"You just keep hunting." Wen Ya said, "If there is anything you can't put down, I'll hold it for you."

Qin Yilang nodded and said he understood. Leiyan warriors all have storage rings, which are more than ten or dozens square meters. They will put away the things they collect themselves, so there is no need for Wenya to hold them.

Luo Bi felt a little dizzy in the spaceship and leaned on Fengling.

Fengling lowered her eyes and glanced at Luo Bi, then held her in her arms, trying to make Luo Bi as comfortable as possible so that she could close her eyes and rest her mind easily: "You can take a nap. I'll call you when we get to Cui Chi Star."

Luo Bi felt really uncomfortable and closed her eyes to rest. (End of chapter)

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