Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4081 Your cousin is too busy

Fan Yao paused for a moment, then said: "This is a mission!"

She can be pampered at home, but who will pamper her when she's on a mission? Fan Yao didn't say this.

Li Feng stopped talking. Before that, Fan Yao, Wen Ya and Qin Cui had not entered the kitchen area to choose dishes, and they had not touched Yang Chun Shui with their fingers. Only Luo Bi would help in the kitchen when she was free.

Fan Yao might as well tell Fan Yao what he said.

Qin Cui had seen this kind of nitpicking too many times. She peeled the garlic and just listened without saying a word.

Luo Bi wandered to find Fengling. Fengling and Qin Yilang didn't say anything. Yang Yu's team had thunder flame warriors and acted like Luo Bi should stay in the kitchen, asking when dinner would be ready.

Luo Bi ignored her. Don't let her choose a vegetable in the future.

"What's wrong?" Fengling asked.

"I don't want to work." Luo Bi complained: "I peeled garlic, and Fan Yao said it didn't count as work."

Fengling smiled fondly: "Let others do it. We will just eat for a while."

Qin Yilang didn't care. Luo Bi didn't work at home. Fan Yao, Qin Cui, and Wen Ya were not helping in the kitchen area. Luo Bi could do whatever he wanted. Who didn't want to do anything?

Fan Yao, who was wearing a cloud-colored gauze dress, came over and was surprised: "Luo Bi, why didn't you help in the kitchen area? Can my cousin do this alone? It's very late now."

The Zhang family hunting team placed a piece of obsidian at a distance with the Zhang family hunting team as the center. Therefore, the light here was not as bright as the other side. Qin Yilang sent Jiang Yixin to a high place to inlay an obsidian stone.

"Your cousin is too busy." Luo Bi became angry when she heard what Fan Yao said. It was her duty to help in the kitchen area. Luo Bi said, "I think you're fine. Go over and help Fan Yao choose the vegetables."

Fan Yao didn't blink, but Luo Bi didn't mind reminding her.

Fan Yao's sweet smile faltered and she moved her mouth, unable to answer the words.

Luo Bi ignored her and set up the tent. Fengling took Luo Bi away.

Fan Yao smiled and said to the Thunder Flame warriors, "She is really interesting."

"Probably because he lost his temper." Yang Yu's team members couldn't say much. Thinking of today's harvest, the Thunder Flame warrior looked happy: "We hunted six colorful beasts today. We will continue hunting tomorrow."

"Thanks to me!" Fan Yao smiled sweetly: "Without me, you wouldn't be able to hunt so many colorful beasts. My elixir is almost gone. You have to treat me to dinner later."

"No problem, I invite you to have dinner at Guipinge."

With Fan Yao here, the hunting team doesn't have to worry about injuries. Yang Yu's team members all value Fan Yao very much.

Qin Cui and Wen Ya's talents are not as high as Fan Yao's. Although they are both first-level talent partners, the gap between them is clear at a glance. Yang Yu's entire team values ​​Fan Yao's attitude.

Ingredients for the evening, stewed chicken, grilled chicken.

Yang Yu prepared a box of green vegetables for Fan Yao, which he had almost eaten in the past few days. Luo Bi ate simply and loved the fresh wild vegetables she found. Qin Cui and Wen Ya could only eat barbecue dryly.

Qin Cui and Wen Ya didn't eat the cold wild vegetables that Luo Bi ate. There was too much garlic. Seeing how Luo Bi smashed the garlic, Qin Cui and Wen Ya didn't eat the cold fresh wild vegetables when they ate barbecue.

Among the several talented consorts, only Fan Yao was the best.

Not counting the vegetables that Luo Bi ate, the wild vegetables that she dug herself were not on the same level as those that were spent on interstellar coins.

However, Luo Bi also felt that the wild vegetables she dug were fresher and better than those grown by planters.

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