Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4092 A colorful beast

Three colorful beasts, hunting very fast.

Looking around, it was already dark.

On the battlefield, the smell of blood is very strong, and the undeveloped planet is full of dangers at night.

Qin Yilang opened the storage ring, collected the colorful strange beasts, and said to everyone: "Let's go back to Rock Mountain quickly. The smell of blood is too strong. If we attract the large strange beasts nearby, we will be in trouble."

Jiang Yixin and Hua Ran were on guard, Luo Bi followed Fengling, and Fengling helped collect a colorful beast.

"Go back." Feng Ling said.

Before it got completely dark, everyone returned to the nearby rocky mountain.

When the hunting team arrived at Rock Mountain, there were already more than a dozen hunting teams and mercenary groups stationed there. Some were pitching tents, and some opened up kitchen areas to cook and barbecue. The entire Rock Mountain was very lively.

However, there are still many injured.

The colorful beasts are warlike, have sharp claws, and can peck people hard with their mouths. They can even pounce, peck, and scratch people. It is really difficult to hunt a colorful beast without getting hurt. Fortunately, no one cares about minor injuries.

"Why did you come back?" Yang Yu was waiting at the place where he went up the mountain. When he saw Qin Yilang and others coming back, he immediately went up to them and said, "The undeveloped planet at night is very dangerous."

"You guys came back early?" Fengling responded.

"I came back before dark." Yang Yu said.

Everyone was talking, and Yang Yu led the way to the camp that had been opened up.

Fan Yao had seen Qin Yilang and the others coming back a long time ago, so she didn't get close to them. She was worried that Qin Yilang would ask her for the elixir. She didn't have much energy liquid and elixir in her hand, so she had to keep it and not use it.

"You didn't hunt?" He Kan was slightly surprised to see that no one was injured.

"I hunted a colorful beast." Qin Yilang said.

He Kan was puzzled. There was an open space suitable for camping next to the resting place. Fengling and Qin Yilang led the team there. Qin Cui put away the medicinal plants and followed Wenya.

"Oh mother, I'm starving to death." Jiang Yixin sat on the ground, took out a bag of snacks from the storage ring, lowered her head and plucked it: "I want to eat something, Li Feng, hurry up and cook the barbecue, I will die if I don't eat. .”

Li Feng lay down on the stone and closed his eyes: "Let me take a breath and rest for a while."

"Don't be in a hurry." Feng Ling said to Li Feng.

Luo Bi followed Fengling. Fengling took out the snacks prepared for Luo Bi and said, "Eat some snacks to cushion your stomach."

Luo Bi took the snack bag and sat down on the rock next to it.

"What snacks are there?" Wen Xiao also sat down and followed Jiang Yixin's snack bag: "I was hungry at noon and didn't have time to eat. I'm starving now."

Qin Cui and Wen Ya were very concerned about the hunting team's hunting today and went to Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin to inquire.

"How was the harvest today?" Qin Cui said, "I just heard that we hunted a colorful beast."

Jiang Yixin nodded perfunctorily: "It's okay, I caught one while hunting."

I won’t say too much, so as not to cause unnecessary problems and make people jealous.

Luo Bi didn't want to be in the same team as Fan Yao. Yang Yu's hunting team might think she was a burden and didn't want to take her with them. Luo Bi was no longer on a mission. At this moment, she still thought Fan Yao was holding her back.

Luo Bi wanted to hunt separately, so she called Wen Xiao over: "Hey, let me tell you, I still have energy liquid, and we will continue hunting tomorrow."

Worried that Wen Xiao wouldn't believe it, Luo Bi grabbed two bottles of energy liquid and showed them to Wen Xiao.

Wen Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes brightened astonishingly. (End of chapter)

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