Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4105 Then listen to her

Qin Yilang knew in his heart that Qin Cui and Wen Ya couldn't pack a small box.

This, even if they were sold, they wouldn't be able to extract a single box of energy liquid.

Qin Yilang looked at Qin Cui with complicated eyes. How could he not even be as talented as him? ! !

Qin Cui: "..."

Wen Xiao thought the same way. Before Wen Ya could open her mouth, Wen Xiao said, "Stop talking. I know you took out a bottle. Put it away quickly. There is no rush to use it now."

Wenya: "???????"

The energy fluid is not enough, so why are we suddenly not in a hurry to use it?

"Stop inking and leave quickly." Wen Xiao was his cousin and said Wen Ya was welcome.

"What's wrong?" Wenya picked up her skirt and ran after her: "What are you running for?"

Qin Cui also wanted to ask why he was still running. Qin Yilang ignored Qin Cui, and Luo Bi, Jiang Yixin, and Hua Ran ran ahead, hoping to find a nest of colorful exotic beasts with no more than one tribe right away.

"Li Feng, take care of Qin Cui." Qin Yilang stepped forward to follow the team.

Qin Cui looked at Li Feng. Li Feng pulled Qin Cui and left. He quickened his pace and told Qin Cui what was going on. Afterwards, Li Feng said: "Put it away after you extract the energy liquid. Use Luo Bi's first, and Luo Bi will take it out." A box of energy liquid. As long as the energy liquid is sufficient, the combat power of our Thunder Flame warriors will increase. We can earn a lot of interstellar coins during this mission without getting hurt. You also want to earn more interstellar coins to improve your talent level! Follow us. Fan Yao, you were suppressed and all the benefits were taken by her, so you might as well drink soup with Luo Bi."

Qin Cui analyzed quickly and still didn't believe it: "She took out a box?"

Li Feng nodded and looked at Qin Cui seriously: "Yes."

Qin Cui made a decision: "Then listen to her."

Qin Cui also quickened his pace and ran after Li Feng.

Li Feng turned around and glanced at Wenya: "Wenya, don't make things difficult for Luo Bi."

"As long as you earn more interstellar coins." Qin Cui said nonchalantly: "I suppressed Wenya, she didn't dare to cause trouble."

Li Feng grinned, feeling that Qin Cui had returned to the way he originally liked him. Intrigues and intrigues were nothing, and jealousy in the talent world was nothing. As long as he earned more interstellar coins and had nothing he wanted, why bother to cause trouble and he would not be able to benefit from it. .

This winter, the wind was blowing hard, and Qin Cui didn't have enough refining materials. He desperately hoped to harvest more materials, so that he could sell them back and be rich.

Qin Cui ran for a while and rounded a hill-like rock. Looking back, she saw that Wen Ya was not running fast and was having trouble with Wen Xiao. Qin Cui took a deep breath and believed Luo Bi this time.

Qin Cui fell one step behind and said to the puzzled Li Feng: "You guys are looking for a nest of colorful strange beasts ahead. Wenya and I will go together. I have an energy gun that can deal with small strange beasts."

Li Feng was worried, Qin Cui said: "Leave me alone, we can keep up with the team."

Qin Cui waited, Wen Xiao was so angry with Wen Ya that he pushed Wen Ya to Qin Cui.

The entire hunting team followed Luo Bi and Jiang Yixin to the front. Wenya was dumbfounded when she saw it. She didn't even need Qin Cui to tell her. She looked around the forest and saw unknown small animals jumping around, but Wenya was stunned. Terrified.

Wen Ya cried and moaned next to Qin Cui. Qin Cui comforted her while dragging Wen Ya away.

By the time Qin Cui and Wen Ya arrived at the hunting place, the Thunder Flame warriors had already fought two colorful beasts. After taking the energy liquid, the Thunder Flame warriors' combat power increased by two levels.

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