Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4107 How can you be so capable?

A group of Thunder Flame warriors: "???????"

Wen Xiao held the small cardboard box: "······"

Sorry, interstellar humans really don’t know what it means to poke a chicken coop.

It didn't matter if she didn't know. Soon Luo Bi ran nearby and took a look at a nest of colorful strange beasts on the tree. She stood under the tree and picked up a bamboo tree to beat it. Suddenly, the chicken coop couldn't stay any longer. A colorful beast screamed and fell from the tree.

Bang, the chicken's head was smashed and it ate a mouthful of weeds.

"Oh my God!" Luo Bi poked the chicken coop, got scared, and ran back: "I poked the chicken coop, and I can't control whether your fighting ability is good or not. If not, I can't control it."

Follow Wen Xiao to see how to poke the chicken coop: "·······???!!!"

I’ve learned a lot, this master is so good at playing.

After Luo Bi finished speaking, several colorful beasts jumped over and raised a cloud of dust on the ground. The screams of the colorful beasts revealed the anger of the colorful beasts.

Usually when colorful animals see humans, they jump down from the trees and fight.

Or, originally, the colorful beasts were under the tree, not in the chicken coop. As soon as the hunting team and the mercenary group came to hunt, the two sides fought directly. The colorful beasts have been among the beasts for tens of thousands of years. Nima Di Once someone poked the chicken coop.

This hatred is really big!

"Ouch, ouch, what a bastard!" Jiang Yixin made a fuss, her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth and screamed: "Luo Bi, why don't you just poke the chicken coop without explaining it clearly?!"

After Luo Bi heard this, she dragged the bamboo tree and was stunned, and her heart was raised: "Can't you handle it?"

Jiang Yixin waved her hand and said firmly: "No problem."

Feng Ling laughed angrily, but she couldn't tell if she was praising Luo Bi: "Well done."

While fighting, Qin Yilang said to Luo Bi: "How can you be so capable! None of the teams we have come to Cui Stone Star to go on a mission can match your ability."

Luo Bi: "······"

Is this a compliment or a disservice to her? !

No matter what, she poked a bunch of them and came back anyway.

Looking back at the several colorful beasts running over, Luo Bi ignored Wen Xiao and dragged the bamboo tree up the nearest rocky hill. Wen Xiao looked at the battlefield and then looked at Luo Bi, not knowing which way to go. go.

Luo Bi was still confused about Wen Xiao: "How can you treat it?"

Wen Xiao laughed angrily, this woman is a master at provoking strange beasts.

Next, several colorful beasts rushed to the main battlefield and got into trouble with the Thunder Flame warriors. Damn it, I asked you to poke the chicken coop, scratch it with your upper paws, peck it with your lower beak, and scold them.

"Blind." Luo Bi scolded the colorful beast.

She poked the chicken coop, and several colorful beasts fought with the Thunder Flame Warriors. Her eyes were not big and round, but they were long and white.

This is not as good as growing a few more colorful crystal stones.

As soon as several colorful beasts joined in, the battlefield expanded. Wen Xiao retreated to the foot of the rocky mountain. Hearing Luo Bi's words, he was stunned. He didn't know how long he had been, but he had come up with this idea.

Poke the chicken coop, what a capable person!

Cui Chi Star was originally made of sand and gravel. Some of the ground looked flat, but a slight kick would raise the sand. Looking at the battlefield at this time, it was impossible to tell who was who, and the entire battlefield was disrupted.

Jiang Yixin likes to babble and say, "Bah, bah,'s all dirt."

Upon hearing this, everyone who was fighting with the colorful beasts was very amused.

Jiang Yixin was still praising Luo Bi: "Luo Bi is so capable. You don't even have to look for them. I want a few colorful beasts."

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