Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4113 Metal Superpower

Luo Bi slept until morning. She was dumbfounded that Fengling didn't call her.

When I got up and went to the big balcony, I saw that Fengling had already made a simple breakfast.

Seeing Luo Bi getting up, Fengling said: "Get up, let's eat. After dinner we will set off to Cui Stone Star."

Luo Bi quickly sat down to eat: "Why didn't you call me?"

"I have official business to deal with." Fengling sat down at the dining table and said calmly, "I'm not in a hurry to wake you up."

Luo Bi stopped talking and ate quickly. Fengling put away the food, tapped a few packs of snacks on the table with her chin and said, "Bring snacks to satisfy your hunger when you're hungry, and there's also something to drink."

Luo Bi ran over, glanced at the categories, and quickly put them away.

Fengling took the key to the hover car and the two of them went out to the parking lot of the ship.

After boarding the spaceship, He Yun and He Qian greeted Fengling. Luo Bi was a little happy. The energy liquid she extracted came in handy. He Yun has gold-type powers. I don't know if He Qian has gold-type powers. .

Luo Bi didn't ask, but He Yun told Luo Bi: "He Qian has the same superpower as me, and he also has metal superpowers."

It was very honorable. Luo Bi smiled and nodded, indicating that he understood.

Wen Xiao closed the door of the spacecraft and drove the spacecraft to take off.

Fengling talked to He Yun about the hunting situation of Cui Stone Star. He Qian listened to a few words and chatted with Luo Bi: "I heard that the hunting team had a good harvest and there was enough energy liquid."

Luo Bi did not answer He Qian, but picked out a dozen bottles of metallic energy liquid and gave them to He Qian: "This belongs to you and He Yun. Tell me when you are done using it, and I will give it to you again."

He Qian: “·······”

He didn't know what to do with this, this generosity.

He Qian was a little excited. His metal power had never been so rich before. Metal energy liquid was in short supply. Normally, he had to make do with non-attributed liquids, and his combat power could not be improved.

"You can give me less." He Qian said, "Give it to me when you have no use for it."

He Qian took out more than a dozen bottles at once. He Qian was flattered and didn't dare to ask for more.

He Yun also looked over, and Luo Bi said, "Take them all."

He Qian hesitated, and Fengling reminded him: "It's useful."

A dozen bottles of energy liquid seemed like a lot, depending on who you were going on the mission with. Robido knew how to play, and he knew how to poke chicken coops. He Yun and He Qian didn't know why, and they would know what was going on when they went there.

"You don't need so much of it!" He Qian muttered, sharing half of the energy liquid with He Yun.

When the spaceship arrived at Cui Stone Star, it was already almost midnight. Qin Yilang and his hunting team were already hunting, looking for a nest of two, using the energy liquid extracted by Qin Cui and Wen Ya, which they have been unable to fight for a long time.

Jiang Yixin felt like a cat's paw in her heart. After yesterday's hunting, who would be willing to hunt one or two, but it was boring.

"You are here!" Jiang Yixin was delighted.

He Qian took a look and saw two colorful beasts. It was a very ordinary hunt. He Qian didn't care. He drank energy liquid and joined Fei Ling and He Yun in the battle. He quickly killed this nest of colorful beasts.

"The ethnic distribution in this place is not good." Luo Bi and Wen Xiao came back from a walk. Jiang Yixin brought the bamboo tree and threw it aside. Luo Bi picked it up and said, "Let's change places."

He Yun and He Qian just arrived and didn't say much. Jiang Yixin, Li Feng, and Hua Ran hurriedly harvested the colorful crystal stones.

Jiang Yixin said: "Wait for me, the harvest will be finished soon."

He Qian started to help, and Wen Xiao called Qin Cui and Wen Ya to come down the mountain.

Qin Yilang went over and put away the harvested colorful beasts.

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