Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4116 Don’t use it sparingly

Qin Cui: "······"

The hunting was so good, why did everyone go off to open another battlefield? !

Colorful exotic beasts lived in groups, with groups ranging from far to near, and distributed in different directions. Luo Bi and the others did not choose, so they went south. There were rocks and grasslands around, and the weeds still had small thorns.

Fortunately, the terrain is flat and there are not many such weeds.

"Where are we going?" He Qian just followed him around.

Not far away there is a nest of colorful strange beasts, with less than ten members in the group.

Luo Bi had sharp eyes and saw it and said, "We're not going anywhere, just this nest. Let's hunt together."

Hearing that this was the only one in the nest, Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin squinted their eyes to observe and estimate their fighting strength. They found that there were less than ten of them, two were foraging under the tree, the others were on the tree, and there were small colorful animals.

If Fengling, He Yun, and Qin Yilang come over, there should be no problem in hunting them all.

Mainly, the hunting isn't over yet.

The Thunder Flame warriors only considered these things and didn't think about anything else. They didn't even care what Luo Bi meant by hunting together.

After making an estimate, Wen Xiao nodded: "This nest is fine."

After getting it right, Luo Bi was not polite. She didn't mess with the people under the tree first. She went around to the side and took a look at the location of the chicken coop. Luo Bi took the bamboo tree and swept the chicken coop. The colorful animals on the tree stepped on it. Zhu tilted his head and looked.

Luo Bi was nervous, Jiang Yixin and He Qian were standing by, everyone looked up and watched.

Damn it, Luo Bi swept down the chicken coop with great force.

"Oh oh oh..."

The entire group of colorful beasts on the tree exploded with anger and flew down from the tree with a roar. The people under the tree were startled and suddenly jumped up. The Lei Yan warrior who looked up and watched suddenly felt a sudden change in his heart.

Luo Bi quickly ran to the side, and suddenly, there was a fight under the tree.

Before Wen Xiao reached the center of the battle circle, Luo Bi called to Wen Xiao and took out a small box of energy liquid. It was not the previous medium-sized box because the energy liquid was difficult to extract. It was the small box that Luo Bi used.

No matter what you say, it’s just a box.

"I still have a box. Don't waste the energy liquid. Just destroy this one for me." Luo Bi said fiercely. As long as it was a colorful beast she was optimistic about, there was no reason not to destroy them all.

"Hey." Wen Xiao was surprised and happy, and took a box of energy liquid: "No problem."

They say they don't use sparingly, but in fact, the box yesterday was not used up yet.

If it can be used vigorously, the overall combat effectiveness will be useless.

There were nearly ten animals in this nest, so Wen Xiao didn't worry about it. He grabbed a handful from the used small box and distributed it to everyone. If nothing else, this nest must be destroyed.

He Qian quickly said: "I have it, I have it..."

Luo Bi saw that Wen Xiao didn't take the whole box seriously, and shouted from outside the battlefield: "Wen Xiao, please give me that box again!"

Wen Xiao was stunned, feeling distressed after taking it out.

Okay, Wen Xiao thought Luo Bi's temper was interesting, so he didn't care, and gave Luo Bi the box of energy liquid just now. This box was actually not very large, there were about twenty bottles of energy liquid.

Then the battle became fierce. Luo Bi saw it and ran away.

About half an hour later, Fengling, He Yun, and Qin Yilang killed the prey over there and rushed over.

Qin Cui and Wen Ya walked behind together. When Fengling, He Yun, and Qin Yilang arrived, they happened to stop several colorful beasts coming from nearby.

This time there is no need to poke the chicken coop, just kill one and throw it out of the battlefield. Qin Cui and Luo Bi harvest the colorful crystal stones.

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