Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4119 He doesn’t even want it

Yang Yu came over and suggested: "Fan Yao has refined a lot of elixirs, why don't you go hunting with us?!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yixin and the others immediately became excited. Who cares about hunting with you? Yang Yu still looked magnanimous, but Wen Xiao was still worried about hunting together and Yang Yu's team would take away part of the prey.

This generosity is unnecessary and no one appreciates it. On the contrary, Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin are still very wary.

Yang Yu felt that his hunting team had the talented Fan Yao, who had no shortage of elixirs. This was a source of confidence that Qin Cui and Wen Ya could not match, but he knew what Qin Yilang's team had gained!

Wen Xiao and the others looked down upon Yang Yu's confidence. They couldn't use the elixir!

Qin Yilang glanced at Fengling and tried his best to control his facial expressions and not smile. Fengling controlled it very well and never showed his emotions. He said: "No, your hunting team has enough elixirs and can hunt more prey. It's not easy for us to follow." Take advantage of it."

These words were very polite, Yang Yu said: "We are all stationed at the military base, so if we say we are taking advantage of others, it will go unnoticed."

Fengling smiled, and Wen Xiao and He Qian turned their heads and looked away.

"We have promising colorful exotic beasts," Fengling said.

Yang Yu saw that they really didn't have any intention, so he had to give up. In fact, with Fengling and Jiang Yixin's strong combat power, the two teams hunting his team could also benefit from it, but Fengling refused, and Yang Yu had no choice.

However, Yang Yu looked at He Yun: "Why did He Yun come to Cui Stone Star?!"

"I came here when I had nothing to do." He Yun was polite.

These words were a bit perfunctory, and Yang Yu was confused. When he saw He Qian, he suddenly realized that He Yun had brought He Qian to hunt because He Qian was not rich in interstellar coins.

Yang Yu figured it out and still felt a little regretful. He would have called He Yun if he had known that He Yun wanted to go on a mission. He Yun and He Qian were very powerful in combat. If they revealed that they wanted to go on a mission, they would be willing to call him. Get on them.

Everyone was chatting, Xue Changruo also came to inquire about the battle situation, and Fan Yao came later.

Fan Yao asked various questions: "How many colorful beasts have you hunted?"

Qin Yilang couldn't answer the question, so Wen Xiao said, "Not much."

Fan Yao smiled and turned to ask Qin Cui: "How many bottles of elixir did you and Wenya refine? We didn't station on a rocky mountain yesterday. Refining the elixir consumes a lot of soul power."

Qin Cui understood the meaning of Fan Yao's words and said lukewarmly: "I didn't refine it."

Fan Yao pretended to be surprised: "Why isn't it refined?"

"The efficiency of my refining is not low." Fan Yao immediately took out the elixir with a smile and distributed it to several hunting teams: "Do you have more? I can only give you these. If you have good five-color crystals, you will need them." Keep it for me."

The Leiyan warriors looked motionless, thinking about various things. Wen Xiao took it, it was a bit funny, but he didn't want it.

Xue Changruo took the elixir and said with a smile: "I'll keep it for you. I'll give you some furnaces of refining materials later."

Fan Yao stepped on Wen Ya and Qin Cui to show off his refining ability. After hearing Xue Changruo's words, he was satisfied. He then chatted and laughed with the Leiyan warriors. Jiang Yixin refused to accompany him and went back to the tent to rest.

Qin Cui was not lazy in harvesting the colorful crystals, and blisters appeared on her hands. Li Feng held Qin Cui's hands to pop the blisters and sprinkled the medicine on them.

Wenya's fingers were only red, not blistered.

Xue Changqing had a look on his face. Seeing that Qin Yilang was tired, he sat down and left.

Fan Yao couldn't stay, so he got up and left.

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