Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4151 No need

Hua Ran's face turned cold after hearing this. Everyone was aware of this situation.

Jiang Yixin took a bite of the dried meat angrily and said: "This kind of hunting team is overbearing, encircling the territory, regardless of whether people are close or not, and they like to drive away strange animals maliciously."

Speaking of this, there is no one who doesn’t hate it.

Hua Ran asked with concern: "Did you fall?"

"No." Luo Bi shook his head: "You don't know my temper yet. I never like to be too close to people. However, there are also strange beasts on the edge of the battlefield. They are not easy to hide. They scared me and I ran away. A low-level alien beast is getting closer, but fortunately I have a small defensive shield. You think I can't figure it out, and I didn't steal the prey, so this can also hinder them."

When Luo Bi said this, the Thunder Flame warriors became even more angry.

Jiang Yixin looked around and saw that He Yun and Li Feng hadn't come back yet. The hunting team didn't have enough people to kill the monsters for a while, so he figured it wouldn't be a waste to go there.

Jiang Yixin looked away and said: "Let's go and clean up the hunting team."

Fengling raised her chin: "Go."

Jiang Yixin called Wen Xiao, Hua Ran, and He Qian and was about to leave. Luo Bi smiled and waved her hand: "No need to go, no need."

Everyone was confused, Luo Bi's eyebrows turned cold, she pursed her lips and smiled and explained: "There are magic beasts here, and there are also a group of strange beasts. The people in the hunting team were injured and couldn't get out of the group of strange beasts."

A beating is not a problem, Luo Bi is not a soft-hearted person.

The Thunder Flame warriors knew everything, and thinking in his mind, He Qian narrowed his eyes and said, "What if they get out of the group of alien beasts?"

Luo Bi smiled. It was unlikely that she would kill this hunting team among the strange beasts.

She went to great lengths to publish a bounty mission to prevent the hunting team from dying here. This is because she is not easy to bully. What if she is incompetent? You know, in the future interstellar era, martial arts is the most respected thing. If you are arrogant and domineering even if you have no ability, go to hell!

Fengling and Qin Yilang also thought of what Luo Bi could think of, so Fengling simply didn't mention it.

He Qian murmured to Jiang Yixin and Hua Ran that it was not impossible for the hunting team to die among the alien beasts, but it was hard to say. What if the hunting team did not die among the alien beasts? !

He Yun brought back Thunder Flame warriors from several aristocratic families who were hunting together. He Qian and the others could only let this matter go. Next, they had to kill Warcraft, and they had no time to worry about anything else.

Wen Xiao looked anxiously: "Li Feng hasn't come back yet."

Jiang Yixin walked away: "I'll go take a look."

Jiang Yixin was very powerful in combat, and Wen Xiao immediately told him: "Don't delay killing the monsters. If you don't get anyone, come back as soon as possible."

"I know." Jiang Yixin dropped these words and started running among the strange beasts.

As soon as He Yun brought back several Thunder Flame warriors, everyone quickly discussed how to cooperate. Xue Changruo took out some equipment, all of which were jade swords of various levels.

Luo Bi took a look and couldn't tell anything. She didn't know how to refine a jade sword!

Hang Yifan has a magical elixir, and Yang Zaichong is among them, both of whom are very powerful.

In such a short period of time, He Yun could not waste time circling the entire battlefield. The powerful hunting teams and mercenary groups nearby were all called over by He Yun. Everyone was quite interested in hunting rhino.

The edge planet had little knowledge, and Xue Changruo thought Qin Yilang couldn't bring anything to the table. As a result, Fengling divided two pieces of natural jadeite, which were both large in size and could be cut into several pieces.

"Fire?!" Hang Yifan was surprised.

The equipment and resources are sufficient, so I guess I can kill the Warcraft with confidence this time.

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