Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4215 You see she is generous

It doesn't matter what she said, Luo Bi just didn't count.

I wouldn't put so much salt in it if I knew it was right.

Lan Qiao drank a gulp of water and took a breath. Oh my god, I can kill her.

Liang Qian drank several large glasses of water, and she was now feeling better. She clearly drank a lot of water, but Liang Qian was still thirsty. She drank water in small sips. She didn't even pickle the water from the small planet on the edge. I've never had such a salty pickle.

Luo Bi also said: "Do you still want pickles?"

Oh my god, who dares to ask for it?

Zhang Yao waved his hands repeatedly: "Which one of you wants it, I can't eat it because it's so salty. Seasoning the pickles with seasoning will relieve the greasiness, but you don't want to kill yourself with salt if you get tired of them."

Lan Qiao nodded repeatedly, while Meng Gan was still confused about the lethality of pickles. Zhang Yao said: "No one can eat such salty food. Luo Bi, don't feel bad about the ingredients. Don't eat them if you throw them away. It will kill you."

Forget it, don't forget it, Luo Bi doesn't have to give it.

These people usually don't say that she is stingy. You see, she is generous and doesn't even want to give it away for free.

"I'm not stingy!" Luo Bi blocked several people's mouths.

Zhang Yao and Lan Qiao couldn't help but say that they didn't want this batch anymore. Luo Bi went home. Later, Xue Ya and Jiang Xi'er heard that the pickles Luo Bi had made by herself were made from vegetables that contained nutritional energy.

Several people come together to taste the pickles. If they taste good, they will ask for some.

Luo Bi let them eat, but none of them said a word when they ate, and they all went to Fan Yao's house to drink water.

At the end of the day, Fan Yao's house was very lively. They ate pickles from Luo Bi's house, and those who didn't want to die went to Fan Yao's house to drink water. Then they looked at each other and laughed.

"Don't say Luo Bi is stingy in the future." Zhang Yao said, "She is being generous this time. No one can bear it."

Liang Qian acted coquettishly, took a sip of water from the water glass and said, "I have never eaten pickles with such a loud voice."

Lan Qiao was convinced: "This is worse than being stingy."

Because the two families were coming and going, the door of Fan Yao's house was open, and Luo Bi wandered over from her house.

"You really don't want it?!" Luo Bi asked sincerely, and then said, "I don't want to come with you."

Jiang Xi'er drank several sips of water, waved her hands and said, "No, you'll kill me."

Zhang Yao thought about it and laughed, thinking about why it was so cool today, they were all frightened by Luo Bi's pickles, but Luo Bi still looked rare, she still wanted to sell them.

"Who bought her?" Meng Gan asked while sitting on the sofa.

Zhang Yao and the others looked at each other and said, whoever buys it will buy it anyway, don't think about them buying it.

Luo Bi lost her confidence. Originally, she was thinking of selling the pickles if she couldn't give them away. Looking at the attitudes of Zhang Yao and others, it seemed that it was difficult to sell. How to deal with this? !

Fengling came back in the evening, packed her things, and prepared for the mission the next day.

Luo Bi came up to Fengling and said, "Fengling, you all dislike the pickles in my mouth. Why don't you sell them? I'll keep them for myself. If you don't like them, don't eat them. I'll eat them. I won't pickle them this year." , I won’t pickle it next year, it will be gone after a few years.”

When Fengling heard this, it was surprising that she could respond.

Feng Ling's eyebrows twitched, and she pondered for a moment before saying, "Leng Lie likes to eat, so give it to Leng Lie."

Leng Lie and Luo Bi didn't want to deal with each other, so Leng Lie took care of everything that didn't taste good.

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi had her own plans and would not let Fengling take care of them. The Thunder Flame Warrior still focused on completing the mission.

Fengling gave instructions and went on a mission with Qin Yilang the next day with the first combat team.

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