Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4245 He is a money addict

Among several people, there must be a logistics person.

Qin Cui knew it was important for Li Feng to break through the combat power, so he proposed: "I will light the lamp for you, and you can catch the shrimps and crabs."

This is no good. It's not like Luo Bi doesn't know anything, she only cares about being in the limelight.

If she followed Li Feng to Shui Xunxing and ate well, she would surely be prosperous and prosperous, so she had to be sensible. Among the few people, she was the worst at chopsticks. No one else needed to tell her about this.

Qin Cui was in charge of logistics, so she might as well come. Luo Bi immediately disagreed and said, "I'm not good with chopsticks, so I'll light the lamp for you. Okay, we didn't order the shrimps and crabs. They just nest in the water plants." Move, quickly use your chopsticks to catch it."

When Luo Bi said this, Qin Cui refused. After all, she was better with chopsticks than Luo Bi.

The Thunder Flame Warrior felt that this arrangement was the best. Luo Bi took the light and pointed it towards the river, just in time to see the water floating on the water. When he took a closer look, he saw that it was a small crab claw, and he didn't know what he was doing when he pulled it.

The Thunder Flame warriors were all around. Luo Bi came closer and took a look. Hey, he was playing with mud. He was waiting to hit someone with a small mud ball when he found a target, but this was too weak. Tuan Xiao Mu The ball is so hard to throw, it will take a while to throw the next one.

"Quick, it doesn't have any little mud balls anymore. Use your chopsticks to pick it up." Luo Bi took a step back and directed the others to come forward.

Leiyan warriors and Qin Cui hurriedly approached the river, and they all took down their chopsticks. Luo Bi was carrying a small bucket, and Jiang Yixin picked up one first and threw it into the small bucket. Luo Bi was in a hurry, lighting the lamp and carrying the bucket.

Jiang Yixin and the others who were holding chopsticks were also confused and busy working on the small water area.

"My, my..."

"There are a lot of shrimps and crabs over there. If you don't want to catch them, why do you have to snatch them from me?"

"Where is it?"

"It's too dark to see clearly."

Everyone was holding their chopsticks and staring, almost falling into the water.

Luo Bi heard this and quickly adjusted the lighting: "Is it bright?!"

"Okay, okay." The back of Qin Cui's hand hurt: "The little mud balls are poisonous. If you smash them, they will burn."

Li Feng felt distressed, but he didn't tell Qin Cui to stop working. One more person would be more effort, and he could catch more earth-type shrimps and crabs. It was better than buying it from the pharmacy.

Qin Cui had no intention of giving up. In the blink of an eye, the waters became muddy.

Luo Bi was working anxiously on the side. She had a good view. Crab claws popped out of the water outside where she put her chopsticks. It could be seen that some of the small earth-type shrimps and crabs had escaped. Luo Bi was a money fan. She was yelling at the side that she thought a few people were useless.

There was no other way, Luo Bi couldn't stand the logistics any longer, so she held up the chopsticks under the lamp.

Regardless of whether it was clamped or not, Luo Bi didn't do anything to watch.

After working for a while, everyone was done.

I carried the small bucket back to the resting space and saw that it was full of small blue crabs and a few small fish. I could catch the small fish because the small fish also had special powers. They could condense small water droplets.

Jiang Yixin needs this kind of thing and is not redundant.

A piece of miscellaneous items weighed about a pound. Li Feng and Jiang Yixin hurriedly counted them.

"More than twenty small blue crabs, no shrimps." Jiang Yixin picked out the earth type ones.

Wen Xiao clicked his chin and said to Li Feng, "Eat it."

Li Feng couldn't wait and took a small bucket to the spring to clean it. The back of Qin Cui's hands turned red. Jiang Yixin went to the pharmacy, bought some potion, and sprinkled it on Qin Cui.

Li Feng was busy roasting blue crabs, while Jiang Yixin and Wen Xiao hurried to the river again.

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