Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4277: Gain more

Luo Bi pondered and thought about looking for mineral sources for a few days.

When Yang Yu came over this time, he didn't catch anything and left with Lan Ze.

Fengling sent Luo Bi to sleep: "Why are you up?"

Luo Bi was very obedient: "Can't sleep, flustered."

Feng Ling frowned, got into Wen Xiao's floating luxury car, and held Luo Bi in her arms: "Go to sleep."

Luo Bi closed her eyes, still feeling flustered. Damn, we can't survive without digging.

The Second Army was poaching the Second Army, and the Third Army also got a share of the pie. You said that what she found out was only that the direction was south of the planet, and she didn’t know whether there was any mineral source. You said she was so flustered and fussy about it.

Fengling was playing with the small optical brain, and Luo Bi felt a little hot in Fengling's arms. The weather in Shuixunxing this year was excellent, with almost no rain, and it was not to mention how hot it was in the summer evenings.

Just as he fell asleep, Wen Xiao brought a small bamboo plant over.

Fengling signaled Wen Xiao to be silent. Wen Xiao found a place to put her down on the floating luxury car, shook her head and left. Some women are just lucky enough to be spoiled by their natal family and spoiled by their married husbands.

With Liangzhu, Luo Bi gradually fell asleep.

Fengling lowered her eyes and stared at Luo Bi's sleeping face, and gently let Luo Bi sleep. Fengling left and walked to the temporary living room, where she and Roger counted the number of cockles.

Wen Xiao's floating luxury car is not far from the living room, Fengling can see it when she raises her eyes.

Everyone knew that a lot of cockles were harvested, but they didn't expect that this statistic was incredible. More than a thousand kilograms could be harvested in one day.

This is still under the condition of controlling the amount of pickles, otherwise, it will be more than a thousand kilograms.

There are more than a hundred Leiyan warriors in the combat team who came to Shuixunxing this time. Everyone can get some points, but they can harvest more. Who is satisfied with these amounts? A harvest of more than a thousand kilograms a day is obviously not enough.

But don't rush, wait until you detect the mountains.

Several of the storage bracelets of Wei Yu had refined fishing nets of different grades. Luo Jie and Li Feng led a dozen or so sergeants who were so busy fishing for cockles that they didn't even need other fishing equipment.

Everyone is looking forward to the mining source, after all, the benefits are huge.

But Xunhe's harvest was mixed with shrimps and crabs with fire, water, and earth powers. Qin Yilang, Wei Yu, and Tang Shao were all interested in it. Jiang Yixin was not too worried. Among the senior officers Only He Yun is of the ice type, and is related to the water type, so he can eat water type shrimps and crabs.

He Yun couldn't compete with Jiang Yixin. Li Feng was on the Xunhe side, and he would be the first to keep good things for Jiang Yixin.

On the other side of the captured mountain range, Tang Shao, He Yun, and Qin Yilang led a team to station. Fengling and Wen Yao discussed the harvest of the Xun River for a while, and then went to the mountain range.

The next morning, Qin Cui looked at the cool bamboo and looked at Luo Bi carefully.

"What are you looking at?" Luo Bi probably guessed what Qin Cui was thinking, but she pretended to be stupid.

In fact, it’s not even top-notch, it’s hard to guess.

Qin Cui looked at Luo Bi. Luo Bi usually wore sportswear when going on missions. She didn't wear jewelry with gold, stone or jade. Only a storage bracelet was not considered jewelry. It was a storage device and could only be counted as half of jewelry.

Compared with the well-groomed talents, Luo Bi's natural appearance is not inferior.

But this is not enough to make someone with a noble background like Fengling like her. Qin Cui was confused and said, "You may look pretty, but why is Fengling so nice to you."

How to answer this? Luo Bi smiled and said nothing.

Qin Cui continued: "I will also buy a pot of cool bamboo later."

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