Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4282 I just like to cover it

Luo Bi looked depressed and glanced away casually.

It was clear that we had found the right location, but we were so anxious that we walked around in a daze to the south of the Xunxun Mountains and went to other places to detect. If there was anything there, others would snatch it away.

"Look here." Luo Bi had a straight face, made up her mind, and pointed south of the mountain range.

Qin Yilang was startled, who was this woman calling? The Talented Contractor's status is indeed noble. He is a soldier of the Fengyao Empire, and his military rank is there. There is no reason to point fingers at him.

Tang Shao narrowed his eyes and showed no expression.

At this moment, Roger asked He Yun and Jiang Yixin to take charge of the small mining source. He rushed over and followed up while talking to Wen Yao casually. He raised his eyebrows when he saw this situation.

Roger smiled and said: "This is to detect the source of minerals, don't make any trouble."

You deserve to be unable to find the mineral source. Luo Bi did not hide it, predicting: "If you don't go south to search, you will never find the mine source in your life, and you are still looking for the mine source? I think you are just here for fun."

The Thunder Flame warriors looked unmoved, thinking that Luo Bi was fooling around.

Luo Bi took in the expressions of several people, stamped her foot south angrily, and pointed with her hand: "There is a mine here."

The senior officers had their own considerations. Luo Bi said that there was a mine source there, but there was no such thing. There was no other reason. Since the second legion's talented bonded masters found the mineral source in the Xixun Mountains, this mountain range has almost been occupied by graded talented bonded men. The teacher turned over it.

Roger was certain that there was absolutely no mineral source to the south. Talented people could show off if they wanted to, but they should not consider unnecessary troubles. Thunder Flame warriors were busy with military affairs, and they were not idle people.

"There are no mountains over there." Fengling and He Wren came over. Fengling saw Luo Bi looking very positive and told her: "Further south is the territory your family has seized. Luo Wan and Luo Sha are coming. Yes, they can sense when there is a mineral source."

Regardless of whether Luo Bi is protecting her family or not, Luo Wan and Luo Sha, who are highly talented, have not detected any mineral sources so far. This shows that there are no mineral sources south of the mountain range.

When Luo Bi heard this, she sighed depressedly. With her family members here, Luo Bi no longer wanted to look for mineral resources.

Luo Bi took a rest and thought, but what's going on? Aren’t Luo Wan and Luo Sha highly talented? Why don't you find the mineral source over there? Isn't it fun to watch if there is a mineral source but not dig it?

Maybe he's like her and likes to cover himself.

Fengling looked at Luo Bi's expression, worried that she would be outdone by others, and asked, "Have you detected the scattered jade stones? If the quantity is not large, we will dig it up."

Luo Bi's talent is low and she can't detect the source of the mineral, but Luo Bi's detection ability is very interesting. She can find things that others can't detect. It's relatively scattered, but it's not a jade stone, so there's no reason to don't want it.

Wen Xiao also knew that Luo Bi's detection ability was different from others, so he put away the detection equipment and said: "No more detection, we will go digging now, and then go back to the camp for dinner."

No one had any objections, but Luo Bi just laughed and went.

He Wren didn't know what was going on. He blinked and saw a few Leiyan warriors of the Eleventh Legion who were detecting. He was hesitant to follow. He Wren would not hesitate. He would follow even if he was digging a piece of grass. .

Luo Bi was probably confident, so she asked Fengling in a low voice: "Can the Eleventh Legion be trusted?"

Luo Bi's defensive look made Fengling look a little confused. Is it necessary to be so defensive when digging for scattered jade stones?

After a moment, Fengling said: "Let him follow." (End of Chapter)

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