Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4338 Keeping all the good things

Luo Bi glanced at Wei Yu, what happened to the lightning system? You want it.

Wei Yun's eyes fell on the chopsticks in Luo Bi's hand. He knew that the refined chopsticks could hold fish and shrimps, but he didn't expect that it would be so easy to deal with powerful shrimps and crabs.

Luo Bi, a weakling, was able to pick up a lightning-type crab without getting hurt. This shows that this chopstick is quite useful, but I don't know how many levels of attacks it can block.

"How many have you caught?" Wei Yu looked at the bucket.

There were dozens of palm-sized crabs crowded into the bucket, which was about half the size of the bucket.

Luo Bi also looked at the bucket, pulled the bucket and tilted it: "I caught these."

Wei Yu thought: "Are they all capable of fighting?"

Luo Bi said: "Ah, I don't want anyone who has no fighting ability. I'll just pick them up."

The two of them talked together. Jiang Yixin took a step forward and came over: "What are you looking at?"

Wei Yu pointed at the bucket and said to Jiang Yixin: "The crabs she caught are all powerful, and there is also a lightning type."

Jiang Yixin's mouth opened wide: "Really?"

The more Luo Bi looked at it, the more jealous she became. The Thunder Flame warriors were all rare for powerful shrimps and crabs. Wei Jun and Jiang Yixin could guess that they wanted them even if they didn't tell Luo Bi, but Luo Bi didn't want to give them to them.

"How about I give you a pair of refined chopsticks and you can pick them up yourself?" Luo Bi looked at the two of them and warned: "Don't say anything. Whoever catches us wants it, and we won't give it to Lan Ze and Guan Wei's team. ."

Everyone knows which team is close to which team.

Jiang Yixin didn't want to fight at all, so she volunteered: "Give me a pair of refined chopsticks, and I'll pick them up. We'll go back and divide the battle between the two of you. You can control the fight here."

Wei Yu looked around and saw no other way, so he immediately ordered the sergeants here to cover up.

They were all sergeants of the First Combat Team, and everyone nodded in agreement.

The arrangement is like this, but the combat power of the shrimps and crabs in the waters on the edge battlefield is the same as that of the main battlefield. The combat power is not low. If a general like Jiang Yixin withdraws, the position will still be messed up.

Therefore, this arrangement was put aside first, and Wei Wei, Jiang Yixin and a dozen sergeants were hurriedly smashing the superpowers.

Luo Bi didn't care about this and continued to pick her shrimps and crabs.

Knowing that she was pulling shrimps and crabs from the water, Wei Yun, Jiang Yixin and other Thunder Flame warriors paid more attention. As a result, they saw Luo Bi first holding up a condensed water ball.

It is not surprising that there are many shrimps and crabs in the water system.

Then Robbie threw it into the bucket and stared at the water again.

Then, another one holding a plant was picked up. Needless to say, it was a wood type.

"Oh, I'll go." The rough man was shocked: "This is not a superpower."

They were extremely surprised, but they still stared at the river one by one, trying to figure out how to fight, lest the people in Lanze's team noticed that they were fishing for shrimps and crabs, and someone would snatch them away.

So, just keep the good things to yourself and don’t say anything.

A rough man approached Jiang Yixin and said, "She won't give it to us if she catches her!"

Jiang Yixin was also anxious: "You fight this afternoon, I will use the refined chopsticks."

"No problem." The rough man nodded, and Jiang Yixin got them involved.

On the fringe battlefield, everyone fights together and goes to eat when it’s time to eat.

Luo Bi stood up and dragged her big bucket to the place where things were placed. Luo Bi added water to the shrimps and crabs she had caught before, so as not to die of lack of water.

Wei Yu was dumbfounded. Luo Bi already knew how to catch shrimps and crabs. (End of chapter)

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