Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4340 Small material warehouse

Hua Ran was on a mission on another planet and had not eaten yet.

Hua Ran saw that it was Luo Bi's communication and picked up: "Luo Bi."

"Are you at home?" Robbie asked.

"I'm on a mission." Hua Ran replied.

Some people just talk like this, not saying anything extra, not mentioning which planet they are on a mission to.

Luo Bi was impatient: "Which planet are you on?!"

"Qing Yaoxing." Hua Ran didn't hide it either.

Luo Bi estimated that the two planets were not far apart, so she asked, "Are you coming to Shuixunxing?"

Luo Bi never made her own decisions when speaking. She usually let people make their own decisions. She had been like this since she was a child. Therefore, such a character was not taken seriously. Hua Ran knew a little bit about Luo Bi's character and almost didn't care.

Hua Ran was about to say that the mercenary group was still hunting and was afraid that they would not be able to get through, but then she thought about it. Luo Bi's character would not let him give up the mission here and go to Shuixun Planet for no reason.

"What were you doing in the past?" Hua Ran asked a lot.

Luo Bi told Hua Ran what was going on, and then said like a child: "The refined chopsticks can suppress the combat power of shrimps and crabs. If you clamp them, the shrimps and crabs can't attack. We have no time. Come over, just the two of us." If you have time, there are also lightning-type crabs.”

When Hua Ran heard this, he couldn't wait any longer. He was born with a strong gene of S level, but this time he has not been able to advance to the battle level. He was stuck at level one. There were faint signs of a breakthrough, but he did not break through to the battle level.

Lightning-type ingredients are very rare. Hua Ran always pays more attention to them when going on missions, but still gets nothing.

Shui Xunxing had something ready-made waiting for him to get it. Hua Ran immediately said excitedly: "I'll be there right away."

"Hurry up." Luo Bi was worried that someone would rob her. Then, Luo Bi was worried that Hua Ran would come from Qingyao Star without a companion, so she warned: "Can you ask if there is a team coming to Shuixun Star? Take someone else's spaceship. come over."

Hua Ran agreed and immediately told the mercenary team leader.

When the captain heard this, he became very excited and inquired: "Shui Xunxing is rich in aquatic products this season. Can we catch a lot of fish and shrimps? If the catch is large, our entire team will pass."

"I don't know." Hua Ran shook his head: "My sister asked me to come over. She belongs to the Zhihuang Star Military Department."

The wealth of the military department is not something that the mercenary group can worry about.

The leader of the mercenary team pondered. The other team members were also very motivated to go to Shuixun Planet. Hua Ran tried to stop him several times but failed to stop him, so he simply ignored it, so that he wouldn't have to take other teams' spaceships.

On Shuixunxing's side, Luo Bi hung up the communication and looked around for Tang Shao, who had just returned from the river.

There was no one else around Tang Shao, so Luo Bi called Tang Shao, and Tang Shao walked over.

Before Tang Shao could ask, Luo Bi pointed to the small material warehouse and said, "That's my small material warehouse. It's not for the military. It contains the shrimps and crabs I caught. Keep an eye on it and don't let others touch it."

Tang Shao took a look and said, "No problem, I'll tell the sergeant to look at it for you."

At this time, lunch had been made. Roger and Lanze discussed dividing the combatants into two groups to eat. Roger and Lanze each left half of the combatants to fight with the shrimps and crabs, while the other half returned to the garrison.

The tables were opened, the grills were filled with ingredients, and everyone was buzzing with excitement.

He Xiang, Jiang Xi'er, and Hang Heng also stopped refining as soon as possible, briefly packed up the refining materials, and took the refined elixir to Roger and Lan Ze. In addition to the consumed elixir, there was still some remaining elixir.

Among them, He Xiang and Hang Heng were the ones who refined the most elixirs, followed by Jiang Shu'er.

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