Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4342 You need to talk

Li Feng understood, but didn't care.

Li Feng had used the made chopsticks, and they were holding small fish and shrimps. Wei Yun, Jiang Yixin, and Luo Bi had planned to catch them, so Li Feng naturally didn't say anything, so he just covered them, so that no one would get upset.

With Wei Yun and Jiang Yixin's military ranks and abilities, they can still make some extra money.

Needless to say, Luo Bi, no matter from which aspect, no one can control Luo Bi.

Shao Chen brought a pot of cockles fried by Li Feng and put them on several large plates. He put the pot aside and everyone started eating in a lively manner. It was a waste of their mouths to eat the delicious and delicious shells.

After enjoying the meal here, Lu Zai went to the kitchen area to get the ingredients. He saw that the ingredients on this table were different, so he went back and sat down and said, "I see why Luo Bi's table has cockles, but we don't have any."

"Oh." Liang Xu was surprised and said while eating the roasted exotic animal meat, "They probably caught it earlier."

"We all went on missions and fought together, and they even ate the cockles themselves. They didn't even know how to share them. Let everyone have a taste." Lu Zai put the prepared sauce on the table and stretched out his hand to break off the crab legs from the grilled crab plate. : "You are so stingy about eating something."

"What's so delicious about cockles?" Zhang Wuer lost interest when he heard about Luo Bi's table.

Wen Yaoruo answered: "You can't say that."

"I can't break off the crab legs." Lu Zai looked at the others coquettishly.

He Kan stretched out his hand: "I'll come."

He Kan broke off the crab legs and gave one to Zhang Wuer. He put the rest on a small plate and ignored it. Whoever eats it gets to do it himself. There is no mercy. He Kan can help separate the ingredients, but don't think about anything else.

Lu Zai was stunned for a moment, then Wen Yaoruo broke open the thinner crab legs and divided them among the little sisters. In their circle of little sisters, Wen Yaoruo was more considerate and popular.

"Isn't Luo Bi's table the only one with cockles?" A little sister was waiting to eat grilled crab legs, so she looked around at the ingredients on each table.

He couldn't forget about the cockles. He Kan didn't mind explaining: "When the combat team members are capable on missions, they will be paid well. Li Feng and the others can catch the cockles and eat more, so there will be no problem."

He Kan saw a little sister pout, smiled and continued: "If we can catch a pheasant or something, we don't have to give it to others to eat. If we are not familiar with each other and have no sympathy, there is no need to worry about that bite. "

The little sister blushed and said, "That's what I'm talking about, I don't want to be greedy for cockles."

He Kan stopped talking. Whether the girl was greedy or not, he couldn't tell.

Liang Xu only talked to the Thunder Flame warrior next to him, without looking over here or paying attention. He said some nonsense, why the ingredients on the table were different, you need to talk.

However, Yang Yu took into account the girl's thin skin and smoothed things over: "You are overthinking. He Kan didn't say you were greedy. Hurry up and eat. Everyone will be busy in the afternoon. The strength of the shrimp and crabs in the morning is not low."

"Who is greedy for cockles?" Zhang Wuer said.

The Leiyan warriors didn't answer, saying that it was boring. They ate quickly, and Yang Yu's team rushed to the river.

He Xiang and others sat for a while, drank the squeezed juice, and then went to refine it again.

The combat team went to the river one after another. Only a few Wei Buzzards sat at the table and were still eating the clams.

Qin Rong was not polite and went over to fill a plate: "You won't leave any for me even if you eat well."

Wei Wei greeted Qin Rong: "Sit down and eat together."

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