Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4353 Worse than a small-minded person like her

Lan Qiao glanced at Luo Bi and said, "You might as well stop refining the explosive furnace. The explosion will make everyone covered in medicine dregs and ashes. Hang Heng and the others will also be useless after refining, which will delay things."

Luo Bi said to her: "It doesn't matter what you say."

So, don't blab.

Lan Qiao: "······"

"It doesn't matter who has the final say." Zhang Yao said: "It is urgent to kill mutant shrimps and crabs with special powers. We really can't delay. Besides, practicing skills is not in this moment."

Fan Yao also said: "I heard that there are not enough refining materials."

Several people said to each other that they didn’t want Luo Bi to refine it.

Zhang Yao means that talented people will take the opportunity to practice their skills, and so does Luo Bi, but now is not a good time, so Luo Bi should give up training and focus on intercepting the mutant shrimps and crabs on the Xun River.

"Everyone is refining, but if I don't refining, they say I'm lazy." Luo Bi calmed her expression and said without smiling, "I am refining and they say I am refining materials. If I don't have enough refining materials, what does it have to do with me? It’s okay, as long as I’m not idle.”

Without a military rank, he has a lot to do.

Zhang Yao's eyes flashed, a little embarrassed, and Fan Yao had nothing to say.

Lan Qiao said harshly: "Who said anything about you? You think too much."

Luo Bi smiled: "Don't think I don't know."

Lan Qiao felt guilty. Li Feng came back with the washed crabs. Luo Bi ignored a few people and took the peeled garlic to the kitchen area to chop garlic and green onions. Not too much, just enough for their team.

Li Feng steamed the crabs and separated them from Luo Bi's share. There was nothing he could do. Luo Bi didn't take advantage of them. Who would have the guts to eat hers? Hua Ran didn't have a normal relationship with them.

"Is it delicious to bake a palm-sized crab like this?" Luo Bi saw Li Feng busy at work.

Li Feng said politely: "How about I bake a few for you?"

Luo Bi said: "Bake a few."

Li Feng took out a few crabs, and Luo Bi reminded: "Don't bake the thunder and lightning type crabs. I only eat the grilled ones. There is no need to eat the thunder and lightning type crabs. Save them for my brother to eat, and he will increase his combat power."

Li Feng nodded in agreement and started marinating the crabs.

Luo Bi watched Li Feng busy on the side, then leaned over and said, "I'll bake it after it's marinated. I like it to be brown and crispy, and the crab will break into pieces when I bite it."

"Okay." Li Feng put the crabs on the grill and got out of the way.

Luo Bi considered sprinkling the seasonings, worried that they would be burnt, and she had some free time, so she turned them over again and again, found the fresh mushrooms sent by the 11th Legion, and baked a few.

It could be given to Qin Cui before, but now that He Xiang is here, Luo Bi can't give it to anyone.

To avoid favoring one over the other, let’s be honest, talented people are the only ones doing the best.

She always cares about trivial matters, which is worse than being a petty person like her.

Sometimes Luo Bi wonders, how do these people get their arrogance? Luo Bi is petty, so it's not surprising that she cares about them. But Luo Bi doesn't understand why the arrogant people care about them.

It was already the end of summer, and the temperature was still as hot as midsummer. He was sweating after doing a little work in the kitchen area. Zhang Yao came to the kitchen area to help. He was surprised when he saw Luo Bi grilling crabs and chatting with Li Feng.

Luo Bi didn't make friends with anyone, and she didn't curry favor with anyone. Zhang Yao thought everyone had an average relationship with Luo Bi.

Li Feng's combat prowess is not low in the combat team, and he is also the young head of his family and has a high status. Lan Qiao also looked puzzled, but everyone was busy with their own affairs, preparing for dinner, and had no time to think about it.

To be honest, neither Lan Qiao nor Zhang Yao like Luo Bi. (End of chapter)

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