Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4359 High talent has inherent advantages

He Xiang and Hang Heng are highly talented and are still refining elixirs at this time.

Zhang Wu'er didn't refine a single furnace, but she didn't have much elixir saved. Zhang Wu'er was a little impatient. After thinking about it again and again, she called Leng Lie. Leng Lie was applying for planet management rights on the Emperor Star.

"Wu'er, you're not asleep yet." Leng Lie called Xun in the yard.

"I can't sleep." Zhang Wuer said his troubles: "Several people with high talents have refined elixirs. I tried my best to refine them, but they were all useless. I guess the formula is not good. .”

Leng Lie was confident: "High talent has inherent advantages."

"I can refine elixirs even if I have a good formula." Leng Lie praised the talented person, but Zhang Wuer was not convinced.

Leng Lie said: "Don't you have a recipe for a low-level hemostatic powder?"

Zhang Wuer kept stressing: "The formula of Zhixue Powder is not good."

Leng Lie coaxed her, and then Bai Nanfeng sent someone to give Zhang Wuer a new hemostatic powder formula.

Zhang Wu'er was so proud that he told Jiang Xi'er, who was about to stop refining, "I have a good formula. It was given by Major General Bai Nanfeng. With this formula, I will definitely be able to refine the elixir."

"Bai Nanfeng gave it to me?" Jiang Xinger was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You really have connections."

Zhang Wu'er looked happy, naturally agreeing with Jiang Xing'er's statement, Wen Yaoruo also took the opportunity to exaggerate Wu'er: "Wu'er is very popular, unlike some people who are not close to anyone."

"Go to bed early." Jiang Xinger smiled and said, "Try refining a furnace tomorrow."

"Major General Bai Nanfeng sent this." Zhang Wuer continued to show off the formula.

Jiang Xi'er took a look at it, and Zhang Wu'er immediately put it away cautiously, pretending to be nonchalant: "It's getting late, I'm going to bed, and I have to get up early in the morning."

Jiang Xi'er didn't see anything and said with a smile, "I'm going to sleep too."

Zhang Wuer turned around and left happily. Jiang Xie'er suppressed her smile in the night and said to Liang Xian, "You said you didn't expect Leng Lie, but Leng Lie didn't get the formula for her."

Liang Qian said: "I also want a formula that is easier to refine."

Jiang Xi'er gave advice: "Go to Guan Wei and ask him to get you a recipe."

Liang Xian was deep in thought, Jiang Xian'er walked away and curled her lips secretly.

That night, Zhang Wuer showed off enough, saying that she had connections, but she never mentioned that Leng Lie helped her. She found a small mine source, and Bai Nanfeng gave her the formula because he valued her. It was because of her ability.

Hang Heng and Lan Ze laughed and said, "She is really capable."

Lan Ze didn't answer, Hang Heng sneered and didn't care about Lan Ze's attitude.

Hang Heng went to the Hang family's hunting team and said to Hang Yifan: "I originally wanted to watch the excitement. I thought Zhang Wu'er and Luo Bi were not getting along, and the two of them could get into trouble. Who knew that Luo Bi was so good at blowing up the furnace."

Hang Yifan said: "Luo Bi is not bad at refining this ability. This time on Shuixun Star, she has gained a lot."

Hang Heng was thinking about something and said nothing. With her talent, few could match her.

Hang Heng felt that the military valued her more.

The next day, Luo Bi had dinner at Chizhu Mountain and then went to Xunhe again.

The small supply warehouse has been emptied, and Luo Bi has nothing left here.

At this time, the gifted masters had already started refining. When several people saw Luo Bi, they all beat their hearts. Luo Bi saw that everyone was afraid of her, so she simply moved to the open space from the river to the living room to open up a refining space.

There's a lot of open space here, so she can blow up the furnace as she pleases. (End of chapter)

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