Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4370 The extravagance is too eye-catching

Fengling's eyes flashed, and a smile reached her eyes.

He Wren easily moved down the two river fresh baskets. When Wen Yao opened them and took a look, his pupils suddenly shrank. He Wren and He Yun were even more surprised. Who would have thought that what Luo Bi sent was mutant crabs with various powers.

He Wun thought it was just ordinary river food, but Luo Bi didn't care and said to Fengling: "I want to go back and not stay in Chizhu Mountain."

Fengling heard that Luo Bi came here specifically to deliver the mutant crab, so she put it down and left.

"Give them all to me?" Fengling asked.

Luo Bi nodded: "I'll catch them in the afternoon."

Luo Bi didn't hide anything. Fengling felt a little warm in her heart, but she couldn't help but worry. She didn't know how to keep some of these good things for herself and gave them all away. Even if they were given to him, Fengling had to worry.

"No rush, I'll go back after lunch." Fengling suppressed her worries and didn't let Luo Bi see it.

Luo Bi lay in Fengling's arms and whispered: "The chopsticks I made are still in use by Wei Bing and others."

Fengling understood clearly that Luo Bi was petty. She said this because she cared very much.

She doesn't look at it, and doesn't feel relieved.

Fengling didn't say much, called Luo Bi sideways and left: "I have a box of fruits here, take the fruits back with you."

He Wren also wanted to rush back to Xunhe immediately, so he quickly went to find Min Heng to discuss military affairs. He also wanted to take Luo Bi back, but Luo Bi refused to let Fengling see her off. Fengling's nobility was too eye-catching.

Fengling couldn't stop laughing at this.

Fengling prepared not only fruits for Luo Bi, but also various melon seed snacks, nutritional energy milk and drinks. The two boxes were moved to He Wren's military suspension vehicle.

Wen Yao and He Yun were a little surprised by Luo Bi's visit.

Human beings in the interstellar world have weak emotions. Luo Bi was able to send all the mutant crabs she caught to Fengling, which was really shocking. You must know that eating this kind of river delicacy can extend your life, so most people take care of themselves first.

Luo Bi doesn't care what others think, she just likes to give things to people who are nice to her.

On the way back, He Wren was still thinking about how to catch mutant shrimps and crabs with supernatural powers. Luo Bi said with a smile, "He Wren, do you want to catch mutant shrimps and crabs with special powers together?"

He Wren was stunned: "Yes."

Luo Bi counted it as He Wren's share, and told him: "Don't tell others, we are making a fortune in silence."

He Wren: "...No problem."

He Wren was confused and looked at Luo Bi twice. He couldn't figure out how to catch the super mutant shrimp and crab with high combat power. Fortunately, He Wren was a smart person, so he just took him with him and didn't ask any more questions.

He Wan didn't ask any more questions, and stretched out his hand to hold his forehead while driving. Luo Bi had no fighting ability. I heard that her talent was weak. The Luo family of the Emperor Star was a direct branch of the Zhihuang Star. How did she catch mutant crabs with super powers? !

He Wun was full of doubts and returned to the station.

At this time, Qin Yilang, Lan Ze, and Guan Wei led the team back to eat from the river. Lunch had already been made. Each table had a super mutant shrimp and crab. Because the ingredients were rare, the portions were small.

On the dining table, the meat of exotic animals is mainly grilled, and some have small stoves if conditions are good.

Everyone had just sat down at different tables. When Lu Zai saw Luo Bi at the Guan Wei team's table, Lu Zai immediately expressed a critical expression: "I know she is lazy. The refining furnace is already blowing up, so she doesn't refine it properly."

Guan Wei's expression remained motionless. Zhang Wuer glanced at Guan Wei and was smart enough not to answer.

The talented disciple at Qin Yilang's table was highly talented and did not pay attention to Luo Bi. He Xiang was not in a hurry to eat and chatted about the elixir with Lan Ze and Qin Yilang.

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