Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4375 Who doesn’t know that good food tastes good?

Qin Cui's husband was Li Feng, whom others envied. She was a little proud and ran over immediately.

Roger glanced at it and was too lazy to care. It was Qin Yilang who should worry about it. Qin Cui kept arguing with Li Feng and ate all the ingredients that were beneficial to Li Feng. Li Feng couldn't even think about improving his combat power.

Roger "tsk", all gifted bonders are like this, they are so spoiled.

As soon as Qin Cui passed by, everyone got used to it.

Li Feng gave half of the grilled mutant crab to Qin Cui. Qin Cui broke off the meatless part of the leg and ate only the crab meat. Half of the grilled mutant crab was wasted and only a little was left to eat. part.

"The mutant crabs with super powers are not low in nutrition and energy. If you eat carefully, no one can afford to feed you." Jiang Yixin said to Qin Cui bluntly: "Most of the crab legs are baked and crispy, and they are ready to eat."

Luo Bi was chewing grilled crab legs and watching the fun. Qin Cui was dissatisfied: "You are the only one who has too many things to do."

"Save some food." Jiang Yixin said, "It was hard to catch it."

Qin Cui listened, then put the broken crab legs on Li Feng's plate and said coquettishly: "Li Feng, you can eat the meatless ones. I won't eat them. I don't like eating crab legs."

Li Feng smiled and took the crab legs to eat, his smile not reaching his eyes.

Fu Jie thought to himself while eating, looking at this posture, he should not get married, it looked scary.

The people at the table were not picky eaters and ate all the edible parts of the grilled crabs. Luo Bi chewed the crispy shells of the grilled crabs and forgot about the ones that couldn't be chewed. They didn't eat the edible parts. What kind of family background do you think you have?

But Jiang Yixin and Qin Cui quarreled, Luo Bi did not participate, and Li Feng, as her husband, had to support Qin Cui, so there was no way.

This time Jiang Yixin learned wisely, and half of Li Feng's crab meat was not enough to eat. Even if Qin Cui picked and ate all the crab meat, Jiang Yixin would not give it to Li Feng. He might as well turn around and leave half of the crab meat for Li Feng.

Qin Cui ate half of Li Feng's crab legs. She was not full yet. She glanced at the others. Everyone was eating and chatting with the people next to them without looking here. Qin Cui was too embarrassed to eat others. of.

There was a large plate of spicy fried clams on the table. Qin Cui picked up a small plate and peeled it off to eat.

After eating, the Leiyan warriors got up and went to the river to change the fighting Leiyan warriors to eat.

Wei Yu's table was no longer sitting around chatting like before. When he was full, he saw that there were still a lot of spicy fried clams. They each took paper bags to share, and packed them for fighting. When they were hungry, they ate them as snacks.

This is the food on their table. If you don’t eat it, leave it to anyone. It’s cheaper for others than eating it yourself.

You are not stupid. Who doesn’t know that good food tastes good? Do you think you are the only one who likes to eat delicious food?

At this time, the battle on the Xun River was fierce. Both the Thunder Flame warriors and the talented bonders were too busy to do anything. Soon everyone was fighting and refining.

Luo Bi also ran to work in the refining space. After Qin Yilang and the combat members of the Eleventh Legion had eaten and went to the river to fight, Luo Bi controlled the flames and ran to the river.

"How many have you caught?" Luo Bi asked anxiously.

Wei Wei and others reported the number, and He Wan and Wen Xiao also came back from Chizhu Mountain in a hurry.

After Luo Bi heard the number of crabs everyone had caught, she hurriedly returned to her place. She ran in both directions all afternoon. In the evening, she gave the mutant crabs she had caught to Wen Xiao and took them back to Chizhu Mountain.

"Aren't you going back?" Wen Xiao said, "There are many mosquitoes in the Xunhe River at night, so it's hard to rest."

Luo Bi wondered: "He Wren told me that he planned to use the refined chopsticks at night. I won't go back."

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