Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4379 So good

If Tang Shao doesn't leave, Luo Bi won't have time to refine it.

There is no other reason...

"Mom." Luo Bi was about to go to the refining space when she saw another mutant crab with ice-type superpowers.

What's going on? It's so good. Luo Bi was excited.

I just caught a fire type and a wind type. The ice type is really rare. Luo Bi doesn't need it and can't let the ice type go. They all ran to the river and could pull them out with their chopsticks.

Luo Bi got busy and rowed quickly.

On the main battlefield, Roger was puzzled.

Tang Shao will never come back. What does it mean? !

He Qian caught a glimpse of Roger fighting, his expression showing a hint of thought, and he fired a fireball. He Qian asked, "What's wrong?"

"Tang Shao went to the edge battlefield and hasn't come back yet." Roger was shrewd but unpredictable. He took a deep breath and said, "Wei Yun and Jiang Yixin are both at the edge battlefield. They must be holding something back."

Qin Yilang looked at the river. Since the morning, the number of super mutant shrimps and crabs coming down the river has been less, so they can still cope with it. Qin Yilang said: "He Qian, go to the edge battlefield and call a few back."

He Qian withdrew from the fighting circle and walked away, even calling a few people to come back. He Qian went over to take a look and saw that they were all getting rich together, picking at mutant shrimps and crabs with high combat effectiveness.

Luo Bi didn't want to hide it from He Qian, so Wei Yu and the others continued to pick and pull. Catching one more one would be beneficial to their abilities.

"You guys are really good at it." He Qian stood next to Wei Yu, leaning down and staring at the water channel by the river: "Roger and Qin Yilang asked me to call someone, but you guys are just leaving the shrimps and crabs alone."

There are good things, but whoever can be called away is out of luck.

"There are not enough chopsticks." Wei Wei explained while picking up the crabs: "You can't do anything if you have a brain in your head."

He Qian looked around and didn't know who had taken out the forged chopsticks, so he had to say: "Is there any extra? Give me a pair of forged chopsticks! You have caught a lot, you should let me catch a few." Just."

Whoever paid attention to him, Wei Yu and Tang Shao remained silent. They didn't have the intention to give the chopsticks to He Qian at this moment. They were not satisfied yet.

The chopsticks made by Luo Bi couldn't help but stood up and said, "You can use my pair of chopsticks. My furnace has exploded. I'm going to the refining space to collect the refining materials and make a furnace. You can use it first." "

It means you use it first and give it to me when you get back.

He Qian nodded in agreement, took the chopsticks, and stepped forward to stand in Luo Bi's position.

He Qian's eyes were always staring at the water. Mom, which one should he pull?

Luo Bi moved out of the way and ran to the refining space.

After pouring out the herbs, she put them into the cauldron, covered the cauldron, and guided the flames. After doing this, Luo Bi controlled the flames and immediately ran to the river in a hurry.

He Qian had just caught two, and he was excited: "Why are you so quick to pack up a furnace of refining materials?"

Luo Bi: "······"

She just came back in a hurry to get the furnace ready, can she not hurry up?

There were a lot of mutant shrimps and crabs by the river. If we delayed for a while, we would catch one less one. Wei Yu and the others didn't know how many more they had caught than her.

Luo Bi squatted next to him and waited. He Qian pretended not to see him, but He Qian was reluctant to give the made chopsticks to Luo Bi. But Luo Bi waited and agreed, so He Qian had to quickly pull one out. Get half of the mutant crabs with super powers.

"This is only a fire power!" He Qian was surprised.

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